
China Perspectives is an interdisciplinary academic journal, established in 1995, which focuses on the political, social, economic and cultural evolutions of contemporary Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan as well as overseas Chinese communities and actors.

 An academic journal

Endowed with an Editorial Board of internationally recognised experts in all areas of the social sciences;

All submissions are blindly reviewed by two anonymous external referees;

An internationally recognised journal

Indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science) since 2019.

Indexed in The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS) since 2015.

Ranked by the French Council for the Evaluation of Research (HCERES) in Political Science, Sociology/demography and Anthropology.

Credited with 9.9 ICDS (Secondary Composite Index Broadcasting) metric. Consultation can be performed by the MIAR system (Universitat de Barcelona).

A-ranked in Social Sciences by Clasificación Integrada de Revistas Científicas (Grenada).

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

China Perspectives is available in 8 international databases (including EBSCO, Informit, JStor, Proquest, Openeditions, etc.);

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In a readable format

As a multidisciplinary journal, China Perspectives aims to make recent and original research accessible beyond disciplinary boundaries; using a variety of approaches, the journal covers the areas of politics, economics, social, and cultural developments in contemporary China; a quarterly publication, the journal remains reactive to current events while maintaining the distance necessary to academic research; Published in Hong Kong, the journal is close to the field and endeavours to publish ground-breaking work by scholars.

Structured in three sections

  • A Special Feature coordinated by an expert on the topic, which is approached through a collection of peer-reviewed research articles;
  • Peer-reviewed Research Articles devoted to all aspects of contemporary China;
  • Book Reviews of recent publications as well as longer review essays of important works tracking the latest developments in the field of research.

Archiving Policy

  • Publisher’s version/PDF only, after a 1-year embargo following publication.
  • Publisher copyright and source must be acknowledged with set statement. Mandatory OA: 1-year embargo can be lifted upon decision of publisher.

Editorial Staff

Director of Publication: Benjamin TAUNAY
Chief Editor: Marie BELLOT
Deputy Chief Editor: Justine ROCHOT
Editors: Corrado NERI, Horacio ORTIZ, Laurent PRÉVOT
Editorial Manager: Constance ARHANCHIAGUE

Editorial Board

ARSÈNE Séverine, Sciences Po Paris
ATTANÉ Isabelle, INED, Paris
AUDIN Judith, CNRS, Paris
BILLIOUD Sébastien, Université Paris Diderot
CABESTAN Jean-Pierre, Hong Kong Baptist University
CAI Yongshun, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
CHAN Anita, The Australian National University
CHENG Edmund, City University of Hong Kong
COLIN Sébastien, INALCO, Paris
DE KLOET Jeroen, The University of Amsterdam and Beijing Film Academy
EVANS Harriet, London School of Economics and Political Science
FLORENCE Éric, Université de Liège
FU Hualing, The University of Hong Kong
GUIHEUX Gilles, Université Paris Diderot
HSIAO Michael, Academia Sinica, Taipei
HUANG Youqin, University at Albany, State University of New York
HUCHET Jean-François, INALCO, Paris
JACKA Tamara, The Australian National University
JI Zhe, INALCO, Paris
JOBIN Paul, Academia Sinica, Taipei
KAN Karita, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
KIELY Jan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
LE MENTEC Katiana, CNRS, Paris
LING Minhua, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MIÈGE Pierre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MUYARD Frank, EFEO/National Central University, Taipei
NAUGHTON Barry, University of California, San Diego
PADOVANI Florence, Paris 1-Sorbonne University
PALMER David A., The University of Hong Kong
PILS Eva, King’s College London
QIU Jack Linchuan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
SCHUBERT Gunter, Eberhard Karis University Tübingen
SO Alvin, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
THIREAU Isabelle, EHESS, CNRS, Paris
TSAI Kellee, Northeastern University
UNGER Jonathan, The Australian National University
VEG Sebastian, EHESS, Paris
VERMANDER Benoît, Fudan University, Shanghai
XIANG Biao, University of Oxford
YUEN Samson, Hong Kong Baptist University
ZHANG Yinde, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3
ZWEIG David, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
