Republication of articles


Republication of articles originally published in China Perspectives


By submitting her/his article to China Perspectives and Perspectives chinoises, the author has agreed to grant the journal exclusive copyright (in French and English languages) for the accepted article. Copyright includes the text, pictures, and all illustrations and additional material. Exclusive copyright is granted for both the print and the electronic versions of the journal.

Permission to republish

Authors who wish to republish their articles first published in China Perspectives and Perspectives chinoises must send a request by email to chinaperspectives@cefc.com.hk.

The email must include:

  • Regarding the article concerned:
    • Name of the author(s), title of the article, and the name and number of the issue in which it was first published;
  • Regarding the expected republication:
    • Nature of the publication (book, periodical…); nature of the publisher (academic/educational, commercial publishing…); format (print, e-book); portion to be reproduced (full, pages); anticipated amendments or major rewriting; title of the publication; author of the publication; name of publisher; expected publication date.

Conditions of republication

Any reproduced article must cite the original version published in China Perspectives and Perspectives chinoises in a footnote or an acknowledgement.


Please note that fees apply for our most recently published articles.

Period since publication Applicable rate
Less than one year 1,300 US$
One to less than two years 1,000 US$
Two to four years 750 US$
More than four years Free

N.B. Any non-commercial, pedagogical use of our articles may benefit from free reproduction upon submission of a request.
