張寧教授專題演講:多視角的死刑反思 Rethinking the Death Penalty from Multiple Perspectives


 17:00 - 18:30
 Academia Sinica, Research Center for Humanities and Social sciences, Conference Room 2


 The event will be held in Chinese
Zhang Ning 3


張寧,現任日內瓦大學東亞系教授,法國高等社會科學院 (EHESS, Paris)近現代中國研究中心兼任研究員。近15年來主要從事中國死刑制度、實踐、文化與歷史方面的研究,著述見於中文、英文與法文,其中包括 〈考論死刑〉 (《思索斷頭臺》,臺北:無境文化出版社出版,2012初版,2014再版)、〈清代的大赦與死刑:制度及實踐中的法與「法外之仁」〉 (《法制史研究》,vol.28, 2015 : 53-102),〈反革命罪:毛澤東時代的死刑政治化實踐〉(”Crimes of Counterrevolution and Politicized Use of the Death Penalty during the Mao’s era” in China’s Death Penalty in Transition: Theory, Policy, Practice and Reform, eds. Bin Liang & Hong Lu, New York: Columbia University Press, 2015, p.62-96)。分別應《當代中國思想》及《中國社會學與人類學》兩種英文學術期刊之邀主編兩期死刑問題專號:2005年的專號為〈當代中國死刑辯論 〉(The debate on the Death Penalty in China today, Contemporary Chinese Thought);2009年的主題為〈關於廢除經濟罪的死刑適用的辯論〉The Debate on the Abolition of Capital Punishment As Applied to Economic Crimes in ChinaChinese Sociology and Anthropology (2009)。

ZHANG Ning (Laure), is a Professor in the Department of East Asian Studies at University of Geneva and a member of the Research Centre on modern and Contemporary China, at EHESS, Paris. Specialized in the history of the Chinese legal culture, she has published a number of articles in English, French and Chinese on studies related to the institutions and practices of the death penalty in imperial China, Republic China, Mao’s China and contemporary China. Co-author of  思索斷頭台, published in Taipei in 2012, she is also the guest editor of two special numbers of academic journals on the topic of the death penalty in contemporary China: The Debate on the Abolition of Capital Punishment As Applied to Economic Crimes in ChinaChinese Sociology and Anthropology (2009) and The debate on the Death Penalty in China today, Contemporary Chinese Thought (2005).





Photo credit: ZHANG Ning (Laure)




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0607 中研院 map_EN & CH

