“A denunciation of the system of Re-education through labour”, Thursday 1 April



“A denunciation of the system of Re-education through labour”

by Yu Jianrong.


Date: Thursday 1 April @ 7pm

Venue: Room Segalen, 25/F Adiralty Centre, Tower 2, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong


To download this flyer in pdf, click here


Yu Jianrong has obtained a PhD in law from the Normal Univerity of Central China in 2001. He is presently the director of the Centre on Social Problems of the Institute on Agriculture at CASS. He has been working on peasants’ rightful resistance and on workers protest. His main publications include The Situation of the Chinese Working Class: Notes from Anyuan, Hongkong, Mirror Books, 2006,   and Chinese Peasants’ Rights Defense Resistance, Hongkong, Mirror Books, 2006.


Prof YU will speak in Mandarin.

The session will be chaired by Jean-Philippe Béja.

Snacks and drinks will be served after the seminar.

Seats are available on a first-come-first-served basis..


To listen to the seminar:


M10-04-01 Time 19-20-05 Yu.MP3