Call for Papers


Taiwan Studies Postgraduate Symposium: Taiwan Studies in 2010 – the State of the Field

Date:  7 December Tuesday – 8 December  Wednesday, 2010

Venue:  1888 Building, the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

Organiser:  Asia  Institute, Chinese Studies Research Group, Taiwan  Research Reading Group, the University of Melbourne

Call for Papers

The Asia Institute, the Taiwan Research Reading Group, and the Chinese Studies Research Group of the University of Melbourne cordially invite all postgraduate (PhD, Masters and Honours) scholars working in the field of Taiwan Studies to present their work at a Symposium to be held in Melbourne on the 7th and 8th of December. The subject of this symposium will be the current state of Taiwan studies; participants are welcome to present on any aspect of Taiwan studies. The symposium will showcase new work in Taiwan studies, and to allow postgraduate researchers a chance to get feedback on work that is in progress. The symposium will include a half-day workshop. Professor J. Bruce Jacobs (家博), Professor He Baogan and Dr. Fran Martin will be present at the symposium, which will be held in conjunction with an international conference on Taiwan studies – focused on the theme of space and culture – to be held in on the 9th and 10th of December.



Registration for the Postgraduate Symposium is free. Participants are expected to arrange their own travel and accommodation, however, a grant for interstate travel within Australia may be available for presenters, subject to funding.



Abstracts of approx. 300 words should be submitted by June 14th: Abstracts on any aspects of Taiwan studies – Taiwan culture, Taiwan social systems, Taiwan politics, economics and international relations – are welcomed. Please include a short biography.

Abstracts should be sent to Bick-har Yeung at bhy@unimelb.edu.au
