Society of Fellows in Liberal Arts, Southern University of Science and Technology
The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC)
Supported by
Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences & Center for Social Sciences, Southern University of Science and Technology
“This conference is the first workshop organized by the Society of Fellows in Liberal Arts. It could not have come together without support from the Center for Social Sciences and the Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences at Southern University of Science and Technology.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Prof. Zhou Yongming, director of the Center for Social Sciences, along with administrative secretary Ms. Zheng Cici, for their help and support. We would especially like to thank Ms. Dong Wei, secretary of the Society of Fellows, for assisting with preparations for the conference, great and small.
In addition, we would like to thank our partners at the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (Hong Kong): Dr. Eric Florence, Director of the CEFC, and office manager Mr. Henry Wu, who helped put together this conference.
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all of the participants for sharing their time, their energy, and their knowledge.”
– Convener: Chan Wai-wan (Vivien) & Amir Hampel
29 June 2018
10:00-10:15 : Welcome Address
- Zhou Yongming, Director, Center for Social Sciences and Society of Fellows in Liberal Arts.
10:15-11:00: Keynote speech
Global Migration of Chinese, 1990-2015 (Eric Fong 方伟晶, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Guo Hua 郭樺, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
11:00-11:30: Coffee Break
11:30-12:45: Panel 1: Geography, Mobility, and Oppotunity. Chaired by Eric Florence, CEFC.
- Welfare in Moving: Complexity of Cross-border between Hong Kong and the Mainland of China* (Li Xiyuan 黎熙元, Sun Yat-sen University)
- New Chinese Migrations: Differentiated Geographies and Diasporas (Chan Yuk Wah 陳玉華, City University of Hong Kong)
- Multiple Moves, Translocality and Negotiated Opportunities: Chinese Women Bankers in Australia and China* (Wai-wan (Vivien) Chan 陈惠云, Southern University of Science and Technology)
13:00-14:30: Lunch Break
14:30-15:15: Panel 2: Narratives of Rural to Urban Migration. Chaired by Zhang Jinghong, Southern University of Science and Technology.
- The World out there is at Once Exciting and Frustrating (waimian de shijie hen jingcai you hen wunai): Looking back at Rural Migrant Workers’ Aspiration and Narratives of Hope and Desire for Migration and Social Mobility in South-China (Eric Florence, CEFC)
- Individualizing youth transitions? Rural Students in Urban Vocational Schools (Anita Koo, Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
- Mobile Population in China’s Documentation Difficulty (Banzhengnan) Discourse (Do Dom Kim, The University of Chicago)
15:15-16:00: Panel 3: Urban Network and Social Technologies. Chaired by Amir Hampel, Southern University of Science and Technology.
- “Nurturing Credit”: Logics and Practices of Digital Money Borrowing among Chinese Migrant Factory Workers (Tom McDonald, The University of Hong Kong and Li Dan, The University of Hong Kong)
- Playing and Being Together: MMORPG and Its Construction of New Urban Life for Young Females in China* (Chen Xiaoxu 陈晓旭, Tsinghua University)
16:00-16:30: Coffee break
16:30-17:45: Panel 4: Migration, Cultural Capital, and Academic Careers. Chaired by Wai-wan (Vivien) Chan, Southern University of Science and Technology.
- American Universities, Psychological Capital, and Social Entrepreneurship in China (Amir Hampel 韩泊明, Southern University of Science and Technology)
- 全球化、学术流动与文化认同:中国社科海龟学者的经验* (Miao Weishan 苗伟山, Chinese Academy of Society of Sciences)
- What Makes the Difference? Earnings of Foreign-born Doctoral Engineers in the United States (Tao Yu 陶羽, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
17:45-18:00: Concluding Remarks by Eric Florence, CEFC
18:00-19:30: Dinner
*Presentation in Chinese
Programme of the conference can be downloaded on the weblink below:
Programme Downloading
The conference was held in English.
For further information, please contact Ms. Vivien Chan: here