Generations and Social Change: Identities, Relationships, and Collective Actions


 Academia Sinica, RCHSS, Conference Room 2

Presentation of China Perspectives Special Issue:
Generations and Social Change:
Identities, Relationships, and Collective Actions

September 21 2022, 4PM
In person event:
Academia Sinica, RCHSS, Conference Room 2
中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心, 第二會議

Live on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/CEFCHongKong/live

Huang Shu-Li (Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica)

Sun Jiawen (EFEO)
Hong Tao (EHESS)
Justine Rochot (Academia Sinica)
Mao Jingyu (Bielefeld University)
Tanguy Lepesant (National Central University)

The proliferation of generational labels across the sinophone world in the past decades – from the “post-1950s” to the “Strawberry Clan” on through the “lost” or the “weary generation” – raises numerous questions : who assigns these labels in which context? How are they appropriated by individuals to form collective identifications? What kind of – sometimes unexpected – collective actions do these generational identifications lead to? Going beyond restrictive cohort-based approaches of generation, this special issue offers grounded insights on the way people “talk and do generations” in China and in Taiwan, across their life course.

Read the special issue on our website!
