「一代人的命運 • 一個國家的命運:中國知青上山下鄉運動的歷史與回憶」
The Down to the Countryside Movement is a significant historical episode during the Mao era in which urban youths were sent en masse to rural areas, a movement whose consequences and impact can still be felt in today’s China. At the beginning, the objective was to allow urban youths to receive “re-education” from peasants in order to groom them as a new generation of peasants. Political movements with such radical objectives raise questions concerning universal values, in particular with regard to the limits of political power as well as the ability of individuals and social groups to adapt and resist.
China’s rusticated youths, or zhiqing, are less widely known and understood in the West than the Red Guards. Nonetheless, the experiences of zhiqing have had a profound impact in the long term. The exceptionality of this generation of zhiqing (those around 60 years old today) continues to play out. For instance, like war veterans in the West, they organize memorial activities. However, they have found it difficult to achieve a common narrative for their personal experiences as they lack objective historical knowledge of a period which the state has to this day labeled as sensitive.
The present time appears to be a felicitous moment to evaluate the Movement, its causes and its influences particularly on the zhiqing generation, as these will continue to determine China’s fate as they had in the past. The objective of this Conference is not only to provide a historical assessment, but also to show that this historical episode is indeed still playing out, taking the multifarious forms of literature, films and the arts, cultural and charitable activities organized by old zhiqing, as well as commercial activities.
Date: 6–7 December 2012
Time: 9:00am – 6:30pm
Languages: Putonghua and English (full translation into English may not be available for papers but help will be provided for questions).
Venue: Faculty Board Room, Room 220, 2/F, Fung King Hey Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
主辦機構 / Organisers:
Leung Po-chuen Research Centre for Hong Kong History and Humanities, CUHK 香港中文大學梁保全香港歷史及人文研究中心
French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) 法國現代中國研究中心
Sino-French Academic Centre of Tsinghua University (CFC) 清華大學中法中心
University Service Centre for China Studies, CUHK 香港中文大學中國研究服務中心
Lee Woo Sing Hong Kong History Resource Centre, Shaw College, CUHK 李和聲香港歷史資源中心
Hong Kong Association of Educated Youths 香港知青協會
2012年12月6日/ 6 December 2012
9:00:組織者發歡迎詞 / Welcoming remarks by the organizers
9:30 – 10:45
11:00 – 12:30
14:30 – 16:00
專題3A:知青的經歷及其對這代人命運的影響 - 失去教育機會的問題
16:20 – 18:00
專題3B:知青的經歷及其對這代人命運的影響 - 對思想與精神面貌的影響
Topic 3B: Experiences of educated youths and their impacts on this generation – Intellectual and Psychological Impact
18:00 – 18:30
Discussion : Past and Future of the Study of Educated Youth
2012年12月7日/ 7 December 2012
9 :00 – 10 :30
10:45 – 12:00
專題5: 上山下鄉運動的豐富回憶 - A: 不同種類的社團組織及其活動
Topic 5A: Rich memories of the Movement – Different associations and their activities
13:30 – 15:00
專題5: 上山下鄉運動的豐富回憶 - B:思想衝突,不同記憶的博弈
專題6: 上山下鄉運動的文藝體現
Topic 6: Movement as reflected in literature and art
Discussion: Significance of the Movement in Contemporary Chinese History
Chair: Michel Bonnin
18:30 End of the conference