Voyages of Taiwan Studies: French Perspectives Through the Years 台灣研究之旅:法國視角的歲月流轉

 10/25/2024 / 10/25/2024

 09:00am - 18:00
 Room 1, Research Center for Humanities and Social sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei
CEFC Taipei 30th Anniversary Conference 法國現代中國研究中心台北分部三十週年慶講座

The CEFC Taipei (French Centre for Research on Contemporary China 法國現代中國研究中心) is commemorating its 30th anniversary this year. We warmly invite you to an academic gathering that will honor our legacy while exploring forward-looking perspectives in Taiwan Studies.

The program will feature two distinguished keynote speakers who have significantly shaped Taiwan-France academic exchanges. Professor Jean-Pierre Cabestan, the founding director of CEFC Taipei, remains a leading figure in geopolitical analysis and international relations. His keynote, “Taiwan’s Democratic Consolidation and Its Challenges,” offers a critical reflection on Taiwan’s evolving political landscape.

Our second keynote speaker, Fiorella Allio, former director of CEFC Taipei and instrumental in relocating the CEFC offices to Academia Sinica, brings decades of Taiwan fieldwork experience. Her keynote, titled “Navigating Back and Forth from Fieldwork: Making Sense of a Tainan – Taipei – Taiwan – France Trajectory, as Illustrated in the Study of Tradition and Heritagization,” will explore the intersection of temporalities and agencies in contemporary Taiwan.

These keynotes will be complemented by two thematic panels. The first, “Anatomy of Risks,” will examine Taiwan from a global perspective, addressing ecological challenges, health risks, and geopolitical tensions. The second panel will delve into Taiwan’s linguistic and cultural studies, offering critical insights on methodology and epistemology in this diverse field.

In addition to these stimulating sessions, the event will offer ample opportunities for scholarly exchanges and networking, providing a platform to reflect on CEFC’s contributions while shaping future interdisciplinary collaborations in Taiwan Studies.

We look forward to celebrating this milestone with you and the broader academic community.


8:30-9:00 – Welcome

9:00-9:20 – Opening Remarks

Mr Franck Paris, Director of the French Office in Taipei

Mr James Liao, President of Academia Sinica

Mr Josué Serres, Director of Cooperation and Cultural Center of the French Office in Taipei

Mr Corrado Neri, Director CEFC Taipei

9:30-10:45 – Session 1.1

“Taiwan’s Democratic Consolidation and its Challenges”

Keynote: Jean-Pierre Cabestan

(Founding director CEFC Taipei,

Senior Researcher Emeritus at the French National Centre for Scientific Research)

Moderator: Su Cho-Hsin

(Associate Professor, National Chengchi University)

10:45-11:00 – Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 – Session 1.2 – Anatomy of risks: Taiwan in a global perspective

“From Earthquakes to China Factor: 

Taiwanese Society and the Perception of Multiple Risks”

Speakers: Paul Jobin

(Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica)

“What geography tells us about the defence of Taiwan”

Speakers:Tanguy Lepesant

(Associate Professor, National Central University)

“Addressing Health Risks in Multilateral Organizations: 

Modalities, Functionality, and Challenges for Taiwan”

Speakers: Vincent Rollet 

(Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of European Studies, Wenzao Ursuline University)

“Thinking (in Taiwan) about the risk of modernity – 

A reflective look back at 7 years of research as an associate at CEFC Taipei”

Speakers: Jean-Yves Heurtebise 

(Director, Department of French Language and Culture, Fu Jen Catholic University)

Moderator: Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy 

(Assistant Professor, National Dong-Hwa University)

12:30-13:30 – Lunch

13:30-14:45 – Session 2.1

“Navigating back and forth from fieldwork and making sense of a Tainan – Taipei – Taiwan – France trajectory, as illustrated in the study of Tradition and heritagization. Confrontation/conciliation of temporalities and agencies in contemporary Taiwan.”

Keynote: Fiorella Allio 

(Researcher at the French National Center for Scientific Research, IrAsia)

Moderator: Liu Pi-chen 

(Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica)

14:45-15:00 – Coffee Break

15:00-16:00 – Session 2.2 – Linguistic and cultural studies: 

Case studies, methodological and epistemological challenges

“Languages of Taiwan, lingual treasures, ancient voices and modern insights: 

the role of linguistics in cultural studies”

Speakers: Elizabeth Zeitoun 

(Research Fellow, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica)

“Cinephilia in Taiwan: past, present and future (from Golden Horse to VR)”

Speakers: Corrado Neri (Director CEFC Taipei)

in conversation with Chen Po-hsi

(Assistant research fellow, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica)

“’Where shall I say I come from?’ 

The politics of cross-strait concerts for Taiwanese and Chinese bands”

Speakers: Nathanel Amar

(Lecturer, The University of Hong Kong)

Moderator: Huang Kuan-Min 

(Director and Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica)

16:30-18:00 – Session 3 –New directions of Taiwanese studies: 

perspectives for interdisciplinary collaborations


  1. Chinese Studies/Taiwanese Studies and Digital humanities
  2. Stages of life, ageing societies
  3. The Pacific Geopolitics of identities
  4. Risk, trust and resilience in innovation societies

All participants and attendees

Moderator: Frank Muyard (Associate Professor & Head, Taipei Center, French School of Asian Studies (EFEO))

18:30 – Reception at the Rotonde, French Residency
