“Epidemic Governance in China: A Historical Perspective” – Webinar 1 of Series on “China in a time of pandemics: politics, culture and society”


 7:00 - 8:30 pm (Hong Kong Time GMT+8))
 Webinar on Zoom
Prof. Angela K. C. Leung

Webinar series on “China in a time of pandemics: politics, culture and society

Organizers: EURICS, IFRAE (UMR 8043 – Inalco, University of Paris, CNRS) and the University of Liege (Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters and Institute of Social Sciences Research).

Scientific coordination: Sébastien Colin (EURICS/IFRAE) and Éric Florence (University of Liege)

Speaker: Prof. Angela K. C. Leung (Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong)

Discussant: Associate Prof. Luca Gabbiani (EFEO, Paris)


Angela Ki Che Leung is Director of the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Chair Professor of History, Joseph Needham-Philip Mao Professor at the University of Hong Kong, elected Academician of the Academia Sinica, Taiwan. She was a researcher at the Academia Sinica, and taught history at UCLA, National Taiwan University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has published in Chinese, English and French on the history of Chinese philanthropy and social history of medicine. Her books in English include Leprosy in China: A History (2009), Health and Hygiene in Chinese East Asia (2010, co-edited with Charlotte Furth); Gender, Health and History in East Asia (2017, co-edited with Izumi Nakayama); Moral Foods: The Construction of Health Regimes in Modern Asia (2019, co-edited with Melissa Caldwell). She is leading a collaborative project on everyday technologies in modern East Asia, and is preparing an edited volume on Food Technoscience in East Asia and a monograph on the history of soy sauce.

Luca Gabbiani is associate professor at the École française d’Extrême-Orient (French School for East Asian Studies) in Paris. He has been head of the EFEO’s Taipei and Beijing research centers, respectively from 2007 to 2011 and from 2011 to 2016. Since his return in Europe, he has taken up teaching in late imperial Chinese history at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) in Paris. L. Gabbiani’s research focuses on the social and institutional history of Qing China. He has published various works, most notably on urban history and legal history, and is presently in the process of writing a general history of the Qing dynasty.

In collaboration with the French Center for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC, Hong Kong).

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