Organizer: French Centre for Research on Contemporary China
(Centre d’Études Français sur la Chine contemporaine / CEFC) – Taipei Office
10:30-10:35 | Opening Remark:
Stéphane Corcuff (French Centre for Research on Contemporary China – Taipei Office) Peter Kang (Dept. of Taiwan and Regional Studies, National Donghwa Univ.) |
10:35-10:55 | Session 1: Framework and Introduction of the Book Project |
Moderator:Cheng-feng Shih (Dept. of Indigenous Affairs and Development, NDHU)
Presenters: J. Bruce Jacobs (Emeritus Professor, Asian Languages and Studies, School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, Monash University) and Peter Kang (Dept. of Taiwan and Regional Studies, National Donghwa Univ.) Where we are now
10:55-12:10 | Session 2: |
Moderator: Peter Kang
Presenter:Yedda Palemeq(Research Center for Indigenous Languages, Council of Indigenous Peoples) Chapter 1. Are We One Family?—A Historical Review of the Associated Indigenous Rights Movement (1983-2003) in Taiwan with a Special Focus on Indigenous Identity Presenter:Wi-Vun Chiung (Dept. of Taiwanese Literature / Center for Taiwanese Languages Testing, National Chengkung University) Chapter 2. The Taiwanese Language Movement and Taiwanese Identities Absentee: Jolan Hsieh (Dept. of Ethnic Relations and Cultures, NDHU) Chapter 3. The Changing Identities of Formosan Plains Austronesians Presenter:Weider Shu (Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences / Graduate Program of Ethnicity and Culture, National Chiao-tung University) Chapter 4. The Emergence of Taiwanese American Identity in the 1970s
12:10-13:10 | Lunch |
13:15-14:15 | Session 3 |
Moderator: Stéphane Corcuff
Absentee: Shiho Maehara (Research Center for Korean Studies, Kyushu University) Chapter 5. Lee Teng-hui and the formation of Taiwanese Identity Presenter:Mattel Hsu (Monash University) Chapter 6. Cyber Space and the Rise of Taiwanese Identity Absentee:: Frank Muyard (Dept. of French Studies, National Central University)
14:15-14:30 | Coffee break |
14:30-15:30 | Session 4 |
Moderator: Cheng-feng Shih
Absentee:Tanguy Lepesant (Dept. of French Studies, NCU) Chapter 8. Taiwanese youth and national identity under Ma Ying-jeou Presenter: Peter Kang (Dept. of Taiwan and Regional Studies, NDHU) Chapter 9. Seeking “Roots” in Taiwan: “Red Hair” and the Dutch Princess of Eight Treasures Presenter: Stéphane Corcuff (CEFC – Taipei Office) Chapter 10. Wang Shi, a Portrait |
15:30-15:40 | Coffee break |
15:40-16:40 | General Discussion, Conclusions and the Way Forward
Moderators: J. Bruce Jacobs, Peter Kang
15 minutes max. for each presenter. Anyone exceeding 15 minutes will be stopped.
(Please prepare your presentation beforehand so that it does not exceed 15 minutes.
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