Journées d’études jeunes chercheurs en études taiwanaises AFET – CEFC avril 2015

L’AFET et l’antenne de Taipei du CEFC, avec le soutien de l’université Paris Diderot et du GIS Asie, organisent une journée d’étude taiwanaises pour le…

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Book Presentation: Chinese Politics in the Era of Xi Jinping: Renaissance, Reform or Retrogression

  Despite an undistinguished career as a provincial administrator, Xi has rapidly amassed more power than his predecessors. He has overawed his rivals and shaken…

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Roundtable Umbrella Movement Revisited

ORGANIZERS: French Centre for Research on Contemporary China Hong Kong Baptist University, Department of Government and International Studies LANGUAGE: English PROGRAM: Three months after the…

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Utopia and Utopianism in the Contemporary Chinese Context: Texts, Ideas, Spaces

ORGANIZERS: French Centre for Research on Contemporary China Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Hong Kong  LANGUAGES: English and Mandarin…

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Book Presentation: Mo Yan : le lieu de la fiction (in French only)

La consécration de Mo Yan par le prix Nobel de littérature en 2012 a suscité des polémiques, qui portent essentiellement sur son statut institutionnel et…

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« Madu saikin pismali » Une ethnologie du volley-ball chez les Bunun dans l’espace des sports taiwanais

Si, à Taiwan, le baseball bénéficie du statut de « sport national », chez les Bunun cʼest le volley-ball, introduit par les missionnaires presbytériens dans la…

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(Feb. 10) The Taipei office of CEFC is glad to announce the recruitment of two new collaborators : Mr. HUANG Shih-Hsien, administrative assistant, who can…

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The PRC regime under Xi Jinping

Marking the 100th issue of China Perspectives When Xi Jinping’s name appeared as the favorite to succeed Hu Jintao during the 17th Congress of the…

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Book Presentation: FROM STALIN TO MAO

La récidive, révolution russe, révolution chinoise, Paris, Gallimard, 2014 In partnership with Parenthèses   AUTHOR Lucien Bianco, retired director of studies at École des hautes…

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Popular Memory of the Mao Era and its Impact on History

ORGANIZER: French Centre for Research on Contemporary China in the framework of the ANR-RGC collaborative project “New Approaches to the Mao Era” (CEFC-HKU) LANGUAGES: English…

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