O lalan ko radiw niyam: Voicing routes, scale, and aspiration in ‘Amis popular musics
O lalan ko radiw niyam: Voicing routes, scale, and aspiration in ‘Amis popular musics DJ Hatfield (NTU) In person seminar 2 December 2022 15:00 Room…
O lalan ko radiw niyam: Voicing routes, scale, and aspiration in ‘Amis popular musics DJ Hatfield (NTU) In person seminar 2 December 2022 15:00 Room…
The CEFC researcher and chief editor Laurent Chircop-Reyes will be presenting “Les mobilités caravanières marchandes et migratoires vues par le brigandage en Chine du Nord…
Frank Muyard (EFEO/NCU) “Analyse des élections municipales et régionales de novembre 2022 à Taïwan et de leur impact politique” Salle de conférence 1, RCHSS, Academia…
Presentation of China Perspectives Special Issue: Generations and Social Change: Identities, Relationships, and Collective Actions 世代與社會變遷。身分認同、交往與集體行 September 21 2022, 4PM In person event: Academia Sinica,…
The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) in collaboration with the Intangible Cultural Heritage Office and the Consulate General of France in Hong…
[ 新書分享座談 Présentation du livre et discussion ] Scream for Life : L’invention d’une contre-culture punk en Chine populaire Vendredi 13 mai 2022 à 19h30…
“Regards français sur Taiwan, 1630-1930” Frédéric Laplanche Événement en présentiel: Mardi 3 mai 2022, 15:00 Salle B202, RCHSS, Academia Sinica Après la publication, à Taipei…
Subversive Incident and a Gesture of Refusal: Dakou and Underground Music in the Early 21st Century in the PRC An online webinar with Peng Lei…
Between Centralizing Orthodoxy and Local Self-Governance: Taiwanese Intellectuals, the Chinese Revolution, and the Search for a Just Integration 在正統與自治之間:台灣知識份子、中國革命與整合正義的探索 Mark McConaghy (National Sun Yat-sen University) In-person seminar…
The CEFC collaborates with HKUST and Shue Yan University, to present a seminar on Governing through Intangible Heritage in China. Speakers: MA Jianxiong, HKUST and…