BEIJING: 2019年4月18-19日 – 玛丽•孟德拉斯教授将关于俄罗斯政治的讲座

欢迎你们来参与俄罗斯政治的专家、法国研究员玛丽•孟德拉斯(Marie Mendras)的两个讲座,2019年4月18-19日举行的。 第一个讲座是在人民大学明德国际楼406会议室、2019年4月18日星期四从12:30 到 2:30开的。题目为“俄罗斯精英: 领导集团与非统治精英”。 第二个讲座4月19日星期五从11点到12:30在清华大学苏世民书院举办的,标题为“如今俄罗斯还发挥龙头的作用吗?” 讲座时,玛丽•孟德拉斯教授会讨论如今在国外与国内俄罗斯面临的矛盾。 谁都可以参加!第一讲座,为了报名请发给[email protected]一封电子邮件。第二个讲座请扫描下面的二维码来报名。 讲座语言为英语。

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Seminar : « Unpacking the Border, Global Capitalism, Social Conflicts, and the Contemporary Geographic Turmoil »

Organised by The C-Centre, Centre for Chinese Media and Comparative Communication Research ; School of Journalism and Communication & The French Centre for Research on…

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Seminar : « An Extractive Turn in Global Capitalism? Patterns of Valorization, Social Struggles, and the State », Global China and the Future of Capitalism Seminar Series

Global China and the Future of Capitalism Seminar Series Organised by The Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong & The French Centre for Research…

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Seminar : « Mapping Capitalism: Thinking Difference and Diversity, with Hong Kong and China », Global China and the Future of Capitalism Seminar Series

Global China and the Future of Capitalism Seminar Series Organised by The Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong & The Faculty of Social Sciences,…

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Seminar : « Blaming Immigrants: Nationalism and the Economics of Global Movements », Global China and the Future of Capitalism Seminar Series

Global China and the Future of Capitalism Seminar Series Organised by The Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong & The Faculty of Social Sciences,…

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International Workshop: Ruinscapes in Urban China

Organised by Centre for China Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong & The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) The conference programme…

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Roundtable on China Perspectives’ Special issue: “Twenty Years After: Hong Kong’s Changes and Challenges under China’s Rule”

  For more about the special issue and its table of contents, click here. Organizers French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) Speakers Francis Lee, Professor in the…

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Rencontre avec Claude Meyer « L’Occident face à la renaissance de la Chine »

Organised by La Librairie Parenthèses avec la collaboration de Centre d’Etudes Français sur la China contemporaine (CEFC) Claude Meyer, conseiller au centre Asie de l’IFRI, enseigne…

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Seminar : « Vietnam and China’s Diverging Industrial Relations Systems: A Case of Path Dependency », Global China and the Future of Capitalism Seminar Series

Global China and the Future of Capitalism Seminar Series Organised by The Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong & The Faculty of Social Sciences,…

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Roundtable on China Perspectives Special issue “New Approaches to the Political Regime under Xi Jinping

Organised by Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong Department of Sociology, The University of Hong Kong The French Centre for Research on Contemporary…

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