[CEFC Taipei ] 「從台灣到世界:二十一世紀一貫道的全球化」國際學術研討會

「從台灣到世界:二十一世紀一貫道的全球化」國際學術研討會   2019 年6月10、11日   09:45 – 17:30    中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心第一會議室                                    …

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Chinese Ecological Civilization: from Slogan to Reality

The concept of Anthropocene evidences the global impact on the Earth (soils, air, waters) of human activities (starting from the Neolithic revolution and/or the beginning…

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Workshop #Occupy #Legislative Yuan. New Perspectives on Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement

The workshop will be held in English   Stéphane CORCUFF University of Lyon & CEFC Taipei Ketty CHEN Taiwan Foundation for Democracy J.Michael COLE Taiwan Sentinel…

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Documenting and Researching Gravesites in Taiwan: destruction, preservation and memory

TAIWAN TOMBS – 17-18 march 2017 – Academia Sinica Researching and documenting gravesites in Taiwan (DRGT 2017) An international Conference jointly organized by ApSTI (National…

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International Workshop: The locality, identity and insularity of Taiwan. A dialogue between Taiwanese and French Scholars

Organizers: CEFC Taipei, Institute of Sociology and CAPAS, Academia Sinica   Summary: The Taipei office of the French Research Center on Contemporary China (CEFC), its…

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3e Journées d’études Jeunes chercheurs en études taiwanaises CEFC-AFET

Appel à communications Journées d’Études Jeunes Chercheurs en Études Taïwanaises (organisées par l’AFET, le CEFC Taipei et l’Université Libre de Bruxelles) Programme des journées jeunes…

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Workshop Generations of Taiwanese identities 2

Organizer: French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (Centre d’Études Français sur la Chine contemporaine / CEFC) – Taipei Office Program 10:30-10:35 Opening Remark: Stéphane…

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Journées Jeunes chercheurs en études taiwanaises CEFC-AFET

L’Antenne de Taipei du Centre d’Études Français sur la Chine Contemporaine (CEFC Taipei) et l’Association Francophone d’Études Taïwanaises (AFET) vous informent de la tenue de…

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Workshop Generations of Taiwanese identities

Together with the Department of Taiwan and Regional Studies, National Dong-hwa University, Hualien, the Taipei office of CEFC at Sinica will hold on Oct. 2,…

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Workshop Democracies in Dialogue

Workshop Democracies in Dialogue: Singular trajectories, shared questions Old contestations and new challenges to representative democracy Democracy 2.0: How digital society is changing democracy, with Gérard Wormser,…

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