Hong Kong Cantopop: Sonic Memories and Political Identities
Online Round Table on YouTube – Replay Hong Kong Cantopop: Sonic Memories and Political Identities June 21, 2020 In collaboration with Make Music Hong…
Online Round Table on YouTube – Replay Hong Kong Cantopop: Sonic Memories and Political Identities June 21, 2020 In collaboration with Make Music Hong…
中法文講座:毛澤東時代的私人著作 Les écrits privés sous Mao Zedong: palimpseste social ou effraction de l’histoire? De quelques questions méthodologiques soulevées par l’analyse d’une correspondance conjugale (1955-1966) 毛澤東時代的私人著作…
Le CEFC Taipei organise son premier séminaire jeunes chercheur.e.s le lundi 2 décembre 2019 à 14h, en salle B202 au Centre de recherches en humanités…
French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) – Taipei Centre for Political Thought, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica Anarchism, Communalism,…
Sino-globalization: opportunities and pitfalls of universalism with Chinese characteristics May 31, 2019, 14:30 – 16:30 Room B202, Research Center for Humanities and Social sciences, Academia Sinica …
L’Antenne de Taipei du Centre d’études français sur la Chine contemporaine (CEFC) et l’Alliance française de Taiwan ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence Présentisme…
I. Clio: Has History in the West become a place of memory? May 23, 2019, 15:00 5F Conference Room, Museum Building, Institute of History and Philology,…
The Fourth International Conference on Documenting and Researching Gravesites in Pacific Asia: Migration, Religion and Ethnicity 研究記錄亞太墓地研討會──遷移、信仰與民族 We sincerely invite you to join DRGPA…
The platformization of labor and society: why humans are actually taking robots’ jobs Abstract: Digital platforms can be construed as hybrid entities between…
The concept of Anthropocene evidences the global impact on the Earth (soils, air, waters) of human activities (starting from the Neolithic revolution and/or the beginning…