Lecture (3/3): 「迷:我的祖先牌位」(下)

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Lecture: Digital Citizenship and Social Movements: The Case of the Sunflower Movement by Stéphane CORCUFF

Picture originated from: Apple daily

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Seminar: Taiwan’s policy regarding Indigenous peoples by Weng Shu-yu

Picture originated from: SET News Channel      The seminar will be held in English Those following Aboriginal issues in Taiwan have noticed the emphasis put…

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Le comte Benyowsky et Formose

Séminaire en français   Maurice Benyowsky, noble de Slovaquie, à l’époque partie du Royaume de Hongrie, a combattu pour l´indépendence de la Pologne contre la Russie…

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Workshop #Occupy #Legislative Yuan. New Perspectives on Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement

The workshop will be held in English   Stéphane CORCUFF University of Lyon & CEFC Taipei Ketty CHEN Taiwan Foundation for Democracy J.Michael COLE Taiwan Sentinel…

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Documenting and Researching Gravesites in Taiwan: destruction, preservation and memory

TAIWAN TOMBS – 17-18 march 2017 – Academia Sinica Researching and documenting gravesites in Taiwan (DRGT 2017) An international Conference jointly organized by ApSTI (National…

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Seminar: Women’s Internal and International Migration from China to Taiwan

The seminar will be held in English After a first internal/domestic migration from the countryside to a city within China, where they are subjected to…

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Colloque : Taiwan est-elle une île ? Une insularité en question dans la globalisation

滿載而歸 Retour comblé Huile sur toile, 72,5 x 90,5 cm 陳澄波 Chen Ch’eng-po, 1936 Collection privée § Avec l’aimable autorisation de la Fondation Chen Ch’eng-po…

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International Workshop: The locality, identity and insularity of Taiwan. A dialogue between Taiwanese and French Scholars

Organizers: CEFC Taipei, Institute of Sociology and CAPAS, Academia Sinica   Summary: The Taipei office of the French Research Center on Contemporary China (CEFC), its…

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Présentation du livre Rétro Taiwan : Le temps retrouvé dans le cinéma sinophone contemporain

(conférence en français)  En présence de Mme TCHEN Yu-chiou (陳郁秀) Présidente Fondation Aigrette pour la culture et l’éducation (白鷺鷥文教基金會) Qu’est-ce que le rétro ? Pastiche et…

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