Book Launch : « Global Perspectives on Workers’ and Labour Organizations »

Organised by China Research and Development Network, APSS, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; The Department of Applied Social Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University in collaboration with the…

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Seminar : « Populism, Precarity and Labor Migration: The U.S. Case », Global China and the Future of Capitalism Seminar Series

Global China and the Future of Capitalism Seminar Series Organised by The Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong & The Faculty of Social Sciences,…

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Rencontre-Signature avec Jean-Pierre Cabestan « Demain la Chine : démocratie ou dictature ? »

Organised by La Librairie Parenthèses avec la collaboration de Centre d’Etudes Français sur la China contemporaine (CEFC) Une thèse communément admise voudrait que le développement…

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International Symposium : « China and the sea: Maritime economy and the challenge of sea and ocean sustainability »

With the final objective to make their country a maritime power in the military, economic, scientific and technological fields, over the last few years, Chinese…

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Seminar : « Imperial Migration : Labor, Race, and U.S. Global Power in the Early Twentieth Century », Global China and the Future of Capitalism Seminar Series

Global China and the Future of Capitalism Seminar Series Organised by The Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong & The Faculty of Social Sciences,…

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全球中國與資本主義的未來研討會系列 – 「世紀的誕生 – 20 世紀中國的歷史位置」

全球中國與資本主義的未來研討會系列 主辦: 香港大學社會學系 香港大學社會科學學院 協辦: 法國現代中國研究中心 主講: 汪暉教授 清華大學人文學院中文系和歷史系教授 清華人文與社會高等研究中心執行主任 摘要: 此研討會屬於「20世紀中國的歷史位置」之系列工作。首先,通過回溯20世紀這一範疇的誕生與1900年前後中國思想界之於帝國主義理論分析之間的複雜關係,論證現代中國的「世紀」意識與20世紀緊密連結。它與過去一切時代的區分不是一般時間上的區分,而是對一個獨特時勢的把握。

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Presentation : « Social mobility, The Rise of Private Entrepreneurship and Changes in Social Identities in the Rural Population since 1978 »

Organizers: The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China Speaker : Ms. Camille Boullenois, PhD student in the Department of Political and Social Change, College of Asia…

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Seminar : « Utopia and Modernity », Global China and the Future of Capitalism Seminar Series

Global China and the Future of Capitalism Seminar Series Organised by The Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong & The Faculty of Social Sciences,…

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Seminar : « Local History, Queer Modernity: Class Differences among Gay Men in Hong Kong »

Organizers: The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China Speaker : Dr. Ting-Fai Yu received his PhD in gender studies and anthropology from the Chinese…

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Seminar: Rising Inequality in China and Globally — Highlights from World Inequality Report 2018

Organised by The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) in collaboration with Division of Social Science, HKUST  HKUST Institute for Emerging Market Studies  Speakers:…

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