Dual Book Presentation : « The many faces of globalization : Chinese in West Africa and Africans in South China »

Organised by The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) in collaboration with China Research and Development Network, APSS, Hong Kong Polytechnic University Programme 15:00…

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Symposium « Transcultural Research Group Symposium Transculturality, Hybridity & Translocality »

Organizers: Zeppelin University, Leadership Excellence Institute Zeppelin CEFC Hong Kong Speaker: Eric Florece, Ross Cheung, Vivien Chan Introduction:  The Transcultural Research Group (TRG) is coorganizing…

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Seminar « The abject as mass entertainment : Micro-celebrities and cultural intimacy in China’s “Kuaishou” video-sharing app »

Organizers: The C-Centre, CUHK The School of Journalism and Communications, CUHK CEFC Hong Kong Speaker: Chris Tan, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology , Shandong University…

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Présentation du livre – Bureaucratie et salut : devenir un dieu en Chine

(conférence en français)  La conférence sera animée par Sébastien Billioud (CEFC)                             …

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Meeting with Sinologist Alain Roux

Organizers : La Librairie Parenthèses Consulate General of France in Hong Kong et Macao CEFC Speaker : Prof. Alain Roux, Sinologue, INALCO Paris The seminar will be…

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Roundtable discussion « Engaging the environmental crisis in today’s China: domestic and global challenges »

Organizers: Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macao; French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) Concept Note: For more than three decades…

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張寧教授專題演講:多視角的死刑反思 Rethinking the Death Penalty from Multiple Perspectives

 活動將以中文進行   The event will be held in Chinese   張寧,現任日內瓦大學東亞系教授,法國高等社會科學院 (EHESS, Paris)近現代中國研究中心兼任研究員。近15年來主要從事中國死刑制度、實踐、文化與歷史方面的研究,著述見於中文、英文與法文,其中包括 〈考論死刑〉 (《思索斷頭臺》,臺北:無境文化出版社出版,2012初版,2014再版)、〈清代的大赦與死刑:制度及實踐中的法與「法外之仁」〉 (《法制史研究》,vol.28, 2015 : 53-102),〈反革命罪:毛澤東時代的死刑政治化實踐〉(”Crimes of Counterrevolution and Politicized Use of the Death Penalty during the Mao’s…

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Roundtable & Book Talk : « Part Tiger, Part Monkey: Mao Zedong and China’s Destiny »

Organizers: Chinese University Press; University Service Centre for China Studies (USC), CUHK; Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture, CUHK; Centre for China Studies, CUHK; Consulate…

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Conference «Le singe et le tigre : Mao, un destin chinois»

Organisers : Alliance Française of Hong Kong Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macao CEFC Speaker : Prof. Alain Roux, Sinologist, INALCO Paris The conference…

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Conference: Women’s Health Conference

Organisers: Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Paris School of Economics The National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France The French Centre…

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