05/23/2019 - 05/24/2019   15:00   Museum Building, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica & Conference Room 1, Research Center for Humanities and Social sciences, Academia Sinica

[CEFC Taipei X Academia Sinica ] Two Conferences by Professor François Hartog (EHESS, Paris)

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  05/22/2019   5:00 - 6:30pm   Academic Conference Room, 11F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, HKU

Roundtable on China Perspectives’ Special issue: “The Multiple Shapes of Chinese Law”

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  05/17/2019 - 05/18/2019   09:00-17:00   Conference Room 1, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica

[CEFC Taipei X International Workshop – DRGPA2019 ] The Fourth International Conference on Documenting and Researching Gravesites in Pacific Asia: Migration, Religion and Ethnicity 研究記錄亞太墓地研討會──遷移、信仰與民族

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  05/13/2019 - 05/13/2019   10:30-12:00   Conference Room 901, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica

[CEFC Taipei X Institute of Sociology ] The platformization of labor and society: why humans are actually taking robots’ jobs

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  04/25/2019   2:30 - 5:00pm   Rm. 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK

Seminar : « Unpacking the Border, Global Capitalism, Social Conflicts, and the Contemporary Geographic Turmoil »

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