01/09/2015   7:00-9:00pm   Room Segalen, 25/F, Admiralty Centre, Tower 2, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong (Admiralty MTR station, exit A)

Book Presentation: FROM STALIN TO MAO

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  12/15/2014 - 12/16/2014   9:30-17:00   Maison Suger (Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme), and Centre d’études et de recherches internationales (Sciences-Po), Paris.

Popular Memory of the Mao Era and its Impact on History

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  11/10/2014   9h30-16h00   Auditorium de l’Institut français de Pékin

Journée d’étude: Les travailleurs chinois pendant la Grande Guerre

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  10/30/2014 - 10/31/2014   All Day   Academia Sinica, RCHSS conference room 2B, Taipei, Taiwan

The Ordinary and the Extraordinary in Taiwan

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  10/17/2014   14:30   Academia Sinica, Taipei

La léproserie de Lesheng : enjeux sociaux et urbanistiques

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