CEFC Seminars

  09/07/2015   6pm - 8pm   Room Segalen, 25/F, Admiralty Centre, Tower 2, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong (Admiralty MTR station, exit A)

Re-imagining the Chinese Worker: Introducing China Perspectives issue No. 2015/2

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  06/19/2015   5:00pm - 7:00pm   Council Chamber (SWT 501), Shaw Tower, Hong Kong Baptist University

“China and the China Seas” Seminar No. 2: Strategies of China’s Maritime Actors in the South China Sea: A Coordinated Plan under the Leadership of the CCP?

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  06/17/2015   2:45 - 5:00pm (Hong Kong); 8:45 - 11:00am (France)   Social Sciences Chamber, 11/F Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) ; Salle du Conseil, EHESS, 190 avenue de France, Paris 13e (France)

“Occupations,” “Colour Revolutions” and “Springs”: new dynamics in social movements?

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  06/17/2015   2:45 - 5:00pm (Hong Kong); 8:45 - 11:00am (France)   Social Sciences Chamber, 11/F Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) ; Salle du Conseil, EHESS, 190 avenue de France, Paris 13e (France)

“Occupations,” “Colour Revolutions” and “Springs”: new dynamics in social movements?

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  05/29/2015   14 : 30   Salle de conférence 202 Research Center on Humanities and Social Sciences (bâtiment 31 sur la carte) Academia Sinica

L’économie taiwanaise est-elle en voie de marginalisation ? Regard et analyse à travers le prisme de la logistique et des corridors de transport internationaux

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