CEFC Seminars

  09/17/2022   3:00pm - 4:30pm   Webinar by Zoom

Hong Kong Living Heritage: Creative ways to promote intangible cultural heritage

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  05/13/2022   19:30   Librairie Le Pigeonnier, Taipei

Scream for Life : L’invention d’une contre-culture punk en Chine populaire

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  05/03/2022   15:00   Salle B202, RCHSS, Academia Sinica

Regards français sur Taiwan, 1630-1930

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  12/07/2021   16:30- 18:00   CUHK

Seminar on How to build a new image of Shanghai playing with heritage? presented by Florence Padovani

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  12/06/2021   4:00 - 5:30pm   Mixed Mode: Webinar by Zoom & HKUST

Governing through Intangible Heritage in China

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