Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Election 2012


 Room Segalen, 25/F, Admiralty Centre, Tower 2, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong (Admiralty MTR station, exit A)

by Allen Lee (Commentator, RTHK, Now TV)

Discussant: Willy Lam (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Reservation & Contact: Heipo Leung
cefc@cefc.com.hk / tel: 2876 6910


On 25 March 2012, the Hong Kong Chief Executive election of 2012 was held to replace the incumbent, Donald Tsang, who was barred from seeking a third term. In the vote by a 1200-member committee, Leung Chun-ying, former convenor of the Executive Council, defeated former Chief Secretary for Administration Henry Tang and Democratic Party legislator Albert Ho. Leung Chun-ying’s term will begin on 1 July 2012.

This seminar will present an analysis of an election that has been both decried as a small-circle election and praised as a first step towards a more competitive election process as it might take place in 2017. It will focus on the changing political landscape in Hong Kong, the possible role played by Beijing in the run-up to the election, and the prospects for political reform under the next Chief Executive.


Allen Lee, JP is currently a Public Affairs Commentator. He hosts Television programs on RTHK, Now Television. He is also the Chairman of Pacific Dimensions Consultants Limited and Jada Electronics Limited. Mr. Lee was a member of the Hong Kong Legislature from 1978 to 1998 and a member of Executive Council, Hong Kong Government from 1985 to 1992, as well as a former member of the National People’s Congress.


Willy Lam is an Adjunct Prof of History, Chinese U of Hong Kong; he is also a Senior Fellow, Jamestown Foundation, Washington DC. Willy has published seven books on Chinese elite politics and foreign affairs. He is writing a book on Vice-President Xi Jinping.


This seminar will be held in English.
Sebastian Veg, Director of the CEFC, will chair the session.
Snacks and drinks will be served after the seminar.
Seats are limited. Please confirm your attendance.



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