Scream for Life : L’invention d’une contre-culture punk en Chine populaire

[ 新書分享座談 Présentation du livre et discussion ] Scream for Life : L’invention d’une contre-culture punk en Chine populaire Vendredi 13 mai 2022 à 19h30…

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Regards français sur Taiwan, 1630-1930

« Regards français sur Taiwan, 1630-1930 » Frédéric Laplanche Événement en présentiel: Mardi 3 mai 2022, 15:00 Salle B202, RCHSS, Academia Sinica Après la publication, à Taipei…

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Subversive Incident and a Gesture of Refusal: Dakou and Underground Music in the Early 21st Century in the PRC

Subversive Incident and a Gesture of Refusal: Dakou and Underground Music in the Early 21st Century in the PRC An online webinar with Peng Lei…

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Between Centralizing Orthodoxy and Local Self-Governance: Taiwanese Intellectuals, the Chinese Revolution, and the Search for a Just Integration

Between Centralizing Orthodoxy and Local Self-Governance: Taiwanese Intellectuals, the Chinese Revolution, and the Search for a Just Integration 在正統與自治之間:台灣知識份子、中國革命與整合正義的探索 Mark McConaghy (National Sun Yat-sen University)…

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Between Centralizing Orthodoxy and Local Self-Governance: Taiwanese Intellectuals, the Chinese Revolution, and the Search for a Just Integration

Between Centralizing Orthodoxy and Local Self-Governance: Taiwanese Intellectuals, the Chinese Revolution, and the Search for a Just Integration 在正統與自治之間:台灣知識份子、中國革命與整合正義的探索 Mark McConaghy (National Sun Yat-sen University) In-person seminar…

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« Taiwan Queering Globally »

« Taiwan Queering Globally » Speaker: Ting-Fai Yu (Monash University Malaysia) Discussant: Wen Liu (Academia Sinica) November 16, 2021, 14:00. Conference Room 1, Research Center for Humanities…

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Seminar on Agrarian Futures in China

The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) in collaboration with the China and Global Development Network, Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong…

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Taiwan in the Anthropocene

Taiwan in the Anthropocene An in-person seminar with Paul Jobin (Academia Sinica) 8 October 2021 14:30 Room B202, RCHSS, Academia Sinica Chair: Nathanel Amar (CEFC…

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Ang Lee, une odyssée cinématographique

Ang Lee, une odyssée cinématographique 從台灣到好萊塢:李安的電影漫遊 Vendredi 1er octobre 2021 19h30-21h00 Librairie Le Pigeonnier No. 9, Lane 97, SongJiang Road, Taipei, Taiwan Inscription Le nombre…

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Chinese Rappers React to Covid-19. Spitting Bars in the First Months of the Pandemic

« Chinese Rappers React to Covid-19. Spitting Bars in the First Months of the Pandemic » A Live Webinar on YouTube with Grégoire Bienvenu (Paris 3) Tuesday…

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