Book Launch Seminar: « Youth Cultures in China »

Organised by The Centre for China Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong in collaboration with The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) Speakers: Jeroen…

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Seminar: « Learning from Shenzhen: China’s Post-Mao Experiment from Special Zone to Model City ?»

Organised by The Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Hong Kong in collaboration with The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) Speakers: Mary…

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Seminar: « The rule by law under Xi Jinping : changes and continuities »

Organised by The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) Speakers: Susan Finder, Distinguished Scholar in Residence at the School of Transnational Law of the…

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Roundtable Discussion: Rural China, global capitalism and social media: from production to consumption

Organised by The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) in collaboration with Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong    and The C-Centre,…

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What kind of international order does China want ? Introducing China Perspectives issue No. 2016/2

For more about the special issue and its table of contents, click here. Organizers French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) Department of Government and International Studies,…

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Seminar: Global Internet Governance and China

Communication Seminar Series jointly organized with the C-Centre   Global Internet Governance and China Nowadays the Internet has become an essential part of daily life…

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Forum: Symposium: Terrorism and Radicalisation – Ideology, Networks, Framing and Prevention

One can scarcely turn on the news or scroll through social media without coming across ‘terrorism’ in one form or another. Despite this ubiquity, or…

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Engaging Regime Resilience in China: Perspectives from History, Political Science, and Journalism

Organizers: The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) & The Centre on China’s Transnational Relations (CCTR)  Introduction: In the aftermath of June 1989,…

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A Breakfast Meeting: China’s Global Energy Strategy

The Breakfast Meeting organized by: University of Saint Joseph, Faculty of Administration and Leadership, The French Macao Business Association &  The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China…

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The Cultural Revolution Today: Literature, Film, and Cultural Debates

ORGANIZER: French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC). The Department of Comparative Literature, The University of Hong Kong and Center for the Study of Globalization…

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