The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC), Taipei Office organise the following conference: Speaker: Nicholas de Villiers (University of North Florida, USA) Nicholas…
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The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC), Taipei Office organise the following conference: Speaker : Ming-yeh T. Rawnsley (University of London) Ming-yeh T. Rawnsley is Research…
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The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC), Taipei Office organise the following conference: Presentation The aim of this research seminar will be to…
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The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC), Taipei Office organise the following conference: …
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【政治思想中心專題座談】 Ghost in Cinema, Ghost of Cinema – On Taiwan Screens and Beyond 從鬼神的電影到電影的鬼神 主講人:Corrado Neri 柯漢東(法國現代中國研究中心研究員) 主持人:陳宜中(中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心研究員) 與談人:Wafa Ghermani倪娃法(中央大學文學院學士班助理教授) 時間:2023年11月15日 14:00 – 17:00 地點:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心第一會議室…
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« One China, Many Taiwans The Geopolitics of Cross-Strait Tourism » Ian Rowen (NTNU) 9 May 2023 3PM In-person seminar: Conference Room 1, Research Center for Humanities…
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Producing knowledge during a time of crisis. Reflections on the Wars of Religion in 16th century France Oury Goldman (Université de Lyon) 6 March 2023…
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Éléments pour une histoire alternative du mandarin comme langue légitime : noter, écrire, transcrire, tracer, saisir Yoann Goudin (LIDILEM, GSRL, Université Nationale de Kaohsiung) 21…
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Le Centre de Taipei de l’Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO) et l’Antenne de Taipei du Centre d’études français sur la Chine contemporaine (CEFC) ont le plaisir…
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O lalan ko radiw niyam: Voicing routes, scale, and aspiration in ‘Amis popular musics DJ Hatfield (NTU) In person seminar 2 December 2022 15:00 Room…
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