Présentation du livre Voisin de la Chine : la « liminalité de Taiwan » 

Stéphane Corcuff, Associate Professor of IEP Lyon, CEFC Researcher 24 Fabuary 2012, Alliance française, Taipei

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What Can Do Comparative Sociology? Looking at Industrial Diseases Litigations in Taiwan and Japan

以比較社會學來看台灣和日本工業性疾病的訴訟案 Paul JOBIN, Director du CEFC Taipei, Associate Professor of University of Paris Diderot 29 June 2012, at Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica

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Engagement for environmental cause: the case of Anshun in regards of the Seveso issue

Laura Centemeri, Associate Researcher at CNRS Laurent Thévenot, Professor of EHESS 9 Ocbober 2012 at Mazu Temple, Anchun, Tainan

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International Conference “To Engage or to Disobey?” A Dialogue between French and Taiwanese Sociologists

October 12 2012 at Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica Organization: CEFC Taipei, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica With: Sandra Laugier, Professor at University of Paris…

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Nuclear Policies and Health Concern in Taiwan and China after Fukushima

1st Floor Conference Room, Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica   Program, introduction and articles abstract Organization CEFC Taipei Program for History of Health, Academia Sinica…

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The Geopolitics of Film and Entertainment Industries Across the Taiwan Strait

Closed-door meeting among researchers, political analysts, film-makers and producers of the two sides of the strait about the geopolitics of film making and the promotion…

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New Boundaries of Geopolitics and the Study of Taiwan Strait Relations Since the 17th Century

Closed-door meeting among French geopolitical researchers and Taiwan scholars. March 5, 2014 

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The Influence of Qing Dynasty Editorial Work on the Modern Interpretation of Mathematical Sources

the case of Li Rui’s edition of Li Ye’s mathematical treatises Charlotte POLLET, NCTU 7 March 2014 (joint seminar EFEO-CEFC)     Recent studies in…

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Playing with ritual: ceremonial images in the Daodejing

Gilles BOILEAU, Tamkang University 28 March 2014 (joint seminar EFEO-CEFC) This communication will present passages of the different versions of the Daodejing according to their…

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The Asian Mediterranean: the interplay of economics and geopolitics 16th-21st Century

organisation: CEFC Taipei (en anglais) 1er Septembre 2014 à 14h30 Salle 802 @ Institut d’histoire taiwanaise, Academia Sinica Intervention François Gipouloux, directeur de recherche au CNRS

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