The Geopolitics of Film and Entertainment Industries Across the Taiwan Strait

Closed-door meeting among researchers, political analysts, film-makers and producers of the two sides of the strait about the geopolitics of film making and the promotion…

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New Boundaries of Geopolitics and the Study of Taiwan Strait Relations Since the 17th Century

Closed-door meeting among French geopolitical researchers and Taiwan scholars. March 5, 2014 

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The Influence of Qing Dynasty Editorial Work on the Modern Interpretation of Mathematical Sources

the case of Li Rui’s edition of Li Ye’s mathematical treatises Charlotte POLLET, NCTU 7 March 2014 (joint seminar EFEO-CEFC)     Recent studies in…

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Playing with ritual: ceremonial images in the Daodejing

Gilles BOILEAU, Tamkang University 28 March 2014 (joint seminar EFEO-CEFC) This communication will present passages of the different versions of the Daodejing according to their…

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The Asian Mediterranean: the interplay of economics and geopolitics 16th-21st Century

organisation: CEFC Taipei (en anglais) 1er Septembre 2014 à 14h30 Salle 802 @ Institut d’histoire taiwanaise, Academia Sinica Intervention François Gipouloux, directeur de recherche au CNRS

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