11 May 2015

Keywords: Reforms, NGO Law, Xinjiang, New Silk Road, Hong Kong, Taiwan CHINA – POLITICS 1. Xi highlights « big picture » in reform drive // Chinese President…

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Revue de presse du 27 avril 2015

Keywords: « Socialist Core Values, » feminist activists, « One Belt, One Road » initiative, Cross-Strait Relations, Taiwan, Hong Kong  

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27 April 2015

Keywords: « Socialist Core Values, » feminist activists, « One Belt, One Road » initiative, Cross-Strait Relations, Taiwan, Hong Kong CHINA – SOCIETY 1. Action plan on cultivating and…

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Revue de presse du 13 avril 2015

Keywords: Internet censorship, AIIB, anticorruption, Women’s Rights, Labour Movements, Hong Kong

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13 April 2015

Keywords: Internet censorship, AIIB, anticorruption, Women’s Rights, Labour Movements, Hong Kong CHINA – INTERNET 1. China said to use powerful new weapon to censor the…

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