Revue de presse du 26 MAI 2014

Politics Anti-China protests in Vietnam Massive crackdown before Tiananmen 25th anniversary Caijing report on the state of labour re-education after abolishment US indicted five Chinese…

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26 May 2014

Keywords: the South China Sea, Chinese activism, labor re-education, cybersecurity, China-Russia relationship, Xinjiang CHINA – POLITICS Anti-China protests in Vietnam After a state-owned Chinese oil…

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Revue de presse du 8 MAI 2014

Politics Attendants of the Tiananmen Seminar detained Guangzhou railway station stabbing and Xinjiang railway station explosion Press censorship and the state of foreign media in…

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Revue de presse du 17 AVRIL 2014

Politics Hu Jintao visits Hu Yaobang’s home in Hunan Communist Party Suicides Taiwan Taiwanese protest coalition ended trade protests US House approves weapon sales to…

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17 April 2014

Keywords: Chinese local politics, the Sunflower Movement, U.S.-Taiwan relationship, Chinese film, Chinese literature, Chinese financial development CHINA – POLITICS Hu Jintao visits Hu Yaobang’s home…

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