• Hong Kong’s Place Branding from 1997 to 2024: From Self-assurance to Aching Attempts to Come Back

    Emilie Tran is Assistant Professor in politics and public administration in the School of Arts and Social Sciences at Hong Kong Metropolitan University, No. 30…

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  • Jason Y. Ng, Umbrellas in Bloom: Hong Kong’s Occupy Movement Uncovered. Richard C. Bush, Hong Kong in the Shadow of China – Living with the Leviathan.

    Hong Kong, Blacksmith Books, 2016, 392 p. Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution Press, 2016, 400 p. Review by Éric Sautedé Judging from the coverage it received…

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  • Eilo W. Y. Yu and Ming K. Chan (eds), China’s Macao Transformed: Challenge and Development in the 21st Century

    Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong Press, 2014, 412 pp. Review by Éric Sautedé Books dealing with current affairs in Macao, whatever the language,…

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  • Book Reviews (PDF version)

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  • Séverine Arsène, Internet et politique en Chine

    Séverine Arsène, Internet et politique en Chine, Paris, Karthala, 2011, 420 p. La Chine compte depuis déjà plusieurs années la plus grande population d’utilisateurs de…

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  • L’Internet entre garde à vue et chasse gardée

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  • Séverine Arsène, Internet et politique en Chine (Internet and Politics in China)

    Séverine Arsène, Internet et politique en Chine (Internet and Politics in China), Paris, Karthala, 2011, 420 pp. China has already had for many years the…

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  • The Snares of Modernity Internet, information and the SARS crisis in China

    The SARS[1] crisis has already had a significant impact on China’s economy, politics and society, and will have an even greater impact in the near…

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  • Telecommunications in China: Towards a Post-WTO Shock Therapy?

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  • Michael Leifer ed., Asian Nationalism

    Now that regional studies seem to have acquired permanent status and while nationalism and nationhood, despite their detractors, are still very much in being, the…

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