• Sonic Plurality in Multicultural Taiwan

      JONES, Andrew. 2020. Circuit Listening: Chinese Popular Music in the Global 1960s. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. TSAI, Eva, Tung-hung HO, and Miaoju JIAN…

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  • Navigating and Circumventing (Self)censorship in the Chinese Music Scene

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  • Contesting and Appropriating Chineseness in Sinophone Music

    The first special issue of China Perspectives on “Sinophone Musical Worlds” (2019/3) laid the theoretical foundation for a musical approach to Sinophone studies (Amar 2019)….

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  • Editorial – Including Music in the Sinophone, Provincializing Chinese Music

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  • “你有freestyle吗?” (Do you freestyle?) The Roots of Censorship in Chinese Hip-hop

    Chinese hip-hop has recently received extensive coverage in the international media. Dozens of articles, published everywhere from the BBC[1] to l’Express[2] to Time,[3] have attempted…

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  • Yiu-Wai Chu, Hong Kong Cantopop: A Concise History

    Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2017, 256 pp. Review by Nathanel Amar Yiu-Wai Chu, director of the Hong Kong Studies Program at the University of…

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