06 December 2013

Keywords: Chinese economy, Diaoyudao, anti-corruption, NGO, media censorship, Hong Kong political reform, stability maintainance CHINA – POLITICS What will follow after the Third Plenum? On…

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21 November 2013

Keywords: local politics, economic reform, power centralization, national security CHINA – POLITICS What to make of the Third Plenum  Last Friday, Beijing released the 20-page,…

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12 November 2013

Keywords: anti-corruption, terrorism, Xinjiang, media censorship, cultural revolution, Bo Xilai, Tibet,   CHINA – POLITICS Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC closing on 12…

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28 October 2013

Keywords: propaganda, anti-corruption, activism, Tibet, media censorship, South China Sea, Hong Kong protest, Pollution, Chinese theology CHINA – POLITICS Party journal denounces ‘Western democracy trap’…

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07 October 2013

Keywords: Bo Xilai, anti-corruption, censorship, propaganda, U.S. shutdown, Hong Kong income gap CHINA – POLITICS Bo Xilai sentenced to life imprisonment On Sept 22, the…

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