30 June 2014

KEYWORDS: media censorship, NGO, Xinjiang, South China Sea, China-U.S. relationship, cross-strait relationship, Hong Kong referendum CHINA – POLITICS New Rules on Critical News Reporting State…

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16 June 2014

KEYWORDS: June Fourth, social media censorship, cybersecurity, Chinese Christianity, Hong Kong CHINA – POLITICS The 25th anniversary of June Fourth a. Beijing regarded this year’s…

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26 May 2014

Keywords: the South China Sea, Chinese activism, labor re-education, cybersecurity, China-Russia relationship, Xinjiang CHINA – POLITICS Anti-China protests in Vietnam After a state-owned Chinese oil…

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17 April 2014

Keywords: Chinese local politics, the Sunflower Movement, U.S.-Taiwan relationship, Chinese film, Chinese literature, Chinese financial development CHINA – POLITICS Hu Jintao visits Hu Yaobang’s home…

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1 April 2014

Keywords: anti-corruption, journalism self-censorship, U.S.-China relationship, Chinese urbanization, MH370, the Sunflower Movement CHINA – POLITICS 1. China seizes $14.5 billion assets from the Zhou Yongkang…

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