12 March 2013

Keywords: NPC, CPPCC, military, anti-corruption, Bo Xilai, factional politics, Hong Kong localism, KMT, Taiwan energy security CHINA – POLITICS Annual Meetings of NPC and CPPCC…

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19 February 2013

Keywords: China-Japan relationship, official espionage, censorship, economic reform, public security, Occupy Central CHINA – DIPLOMACY China-Japan relations 赵楚:钓鱼岛的虚假危机 America: 说美国利用钓岛危机有意打乱现有权力格局和秩序,制造殃及鱼池的地区大国对抗,那是太低估了美国霸权的智慧含量。 假如中日因主权争端处于安全敌对和军事对抗的境地,从而导致关系全面后退,这种前景对于美国绝对是有百害而无一利的 。 含蓄的压力并非为围堵和遏制中国,而是希望通过压力控制局面,从而影响中国的决策,防止中国走向冷战式体系对抗的旧路。 Japan: 由于在经济上有赖于深化对中国的依赖性关系,日本缺少对华关系的筹码。小泉时代曾使用首相和阁僚参拜的招数,但事实证明,参拜牵涉国际社会对日本的基本认…

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25 January 2013

Keywords: media censorship, labor protest, pension system, anti-corruption, anti-corruption, Hong Kong housing development, Financial Services Development Council CHINA – SOCIETY Press freedom Yao Chen tweeting…

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11 January 2013

Keywords: media censorship, political reform, children, electronic industry, SCMP, political reform, personnel change, Hong Kong judicial independence CHINA – SOCIETY Press freedom Website of Yanhuang…

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11 December 2012

Keywords: local politics, Bo Xilai, economic reform, anti-corruption, human rights, CHINA – POLITICS Power balance at the top Willy Lam: Communist Youth League (CYL) clique…

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