
Press Reviews


From 2007 to 2018, and in 2021, the CEFC Research Assistants produced a regular review of the press covering news in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.
The news clippings below were collected from both Chinese and English newspapers and now constitute a useful and original resource for researchers.
Peter Law:

Edmund Cheng:

Wing Yin Lam:

Tang Xuemei:

Karita Kan:

Samson Yuen:

Anthony Li:

Ting Fai Yu:

Lin Zhuyun:

April 2007 – April 2008

May 2008 – March 2009

March 2009 – December 2009

December 2009 – February 2012

February 2012 – July 2013

July 2013 – August 2015

August 2015 – August 2017

September 2017 – April 2018

September 2021 –



10 June 2013

Keywords: June Fourth, ideology, activism, aging population, China-Africa relationship, Occupy Central CHINA – POLITICS June Fourth in China Ming Pao: “內地在六四前夕的氣氛則趨緊張,北京警方加強管控,力度之大往年罕見,「天安門母親」昨被公安阻止前往兒子遇難的木樨地拜祭,丁子霖發出公開信譴責當局。本報記者昨午到木樨地附近時亦被公安攔截、查驗證件,並要求記者離開,至傍晚更被公安約談。無綫電視駐北京辦事處更被公安登門造訪,重申採訪「規矩」,有線電視的採訪車則被人跟蹤。” Analysis: Johnny Lau: “平反「六四」的阻力”:…

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29 May 2013

Keywords: Arctic, South China Sea, ideology, urbanization, media censorship, localism, China-Taiwan relationship CHINA – DIPLOMACY China and the Arctic The Arctic Council admitted China as…

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7 May 2013

Keywords: crisis management, Red-Cross, anti-corruption, pension system, activism, labour CHINA – SOCIETY Natural disaster and crisis management Response to emergency ISun Affairs: The PLA has…

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17 April 2013

Keywords: anti-corruption, Belt and Road initiative, Tibet, security, illness, autism, the pension system, Hong Kong election, gender and sex CHINA -POLITICS Liu Zhijun charged with…

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26 March 2013

Keywords: diplomacy, NPC, economic reform, offshore loan, farming, gender and sex, Hong Kong land supply CHINA – POLITICS New foreign policy team Wang Yi as…

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