Scholarships and Grants in Taiwan

1. A First Formation

“Taiwan Experience Education Programs”, Ministry of Education

• To encourage more international students to participate in short-term professional internship projects organized by Taiwanese universities and colleges
• Each participant is eligible to receive a monthly stipend (maximum 15,000 NTD) based on MOE regulations and program rules.
• Name of the program in Chinese: 臺灣亞際文化研究短期蹲點獎學金
• Info: http://www.studyintaiwan.org/teep/

2. Studying Chinese Language

“Huayu Enrichment Scholarship” – Ministry of Education

• Purpose: To encourage international students to undertake Huayu courses in Taiwan; in order to provide them with opportunities to increase their understanding of Taiwanese culture and society, and to promote mutual understanding and interactions between Taiwan and the international community.
• A Monthly stipend of 25,000 NTD.
• 3, 6 or 9 months to a year
• Check the website for updates: https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/data/moe/MOETaiwanScholarshipProgramGuidelines.pdf
• Name of the program in Chinese: 臺灣獎學金及華語文獎學金
• Info: https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/engindex.htm

3. University Scholarship

“Taiwan Scholarship Program” – Ministry of Education

• Purpose: to encourage outstanding international students to undertake degree studies in Taiwan to familiarize themselves with the academic environment in Taiwan and promote communication, understanding, and friendship between Taiwan and the international community.
• The MOE will pay up to NTD 40,000each semester for each recipient’s approved tuition and miscellaneous expenses. The MOE provides each recipient undertaking university undergraduate studies a monthly stipend of NTD15,000; it provides each recipient undertaking a master’s degree or doctorate studies a monthly stipend of NTD20,000.
• Duration: 4 years for a BA, 2 years for a MA, and 4 years for a PhD
• Check the website for updates: https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/data/moe/MOETaiwanScholarshipProgramGuidelines.pdf
• Info: https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/index.aspx

Joseph Fourier Scholarship

• For Taiwanese students studying in France for their Master degree
• Monthly allowance of 615 euros
• Duration: 6 to 22 months
• Info: https://france-taipei.org/Programme-de-Bourse-Joseph-Fourier-Appel-a-candidatures-2020

Taiwanese Universities Scholarship

• Several Taiwanese universities provide scholarship and grants
• For more details: https://www.studyintaiwan.org/scholarship

4. Doing Fieldwork in Taiwan

CEFC Grant For Doctoral Mobility

• 6 months grant for fieldwork in Hong Kong, China or Taiwan – students from EU countries
• Monthly allowance of 1200 euros
• Info: see the CEFC website: https://www.cefc.com.hk/fr/la-recherche/postes-et-bourses/redbourse-daidered-la-mobilite-pour-doctorants-2019/

CEFC Short-term Fieldwork Grant

• Two months grant for fieldwork research in Hong Kong, China or Taiwan – students from EU countries
• The grant comprises a monthly stipend of 1000€, as well as a travel subsidy of 500€ between Europe and China, Hong Kong or Taiwan
• Info: see the CEFC website: https://www.cefc.com.hk/fr/la-recherche/postes-et-bourses/fieldwork-grant-2019/

“Taiwan Fellowship Program” – Ministry of Education

• Professors, associate professors, research fellows, or associate research fellows: NT$60,000.
• Assistant professors, assistant research fellows, or doctoral candidates: NT$50,000.
• One round-trip, economy-class ticket for the most direct route to Taiwan (The subsidy will be decided by MOFA in accordance with the relevant regulations).
• The terms of fellowship are 3 to 12 months.
• Info: http://taiwanfellowship.ncl.edu.tw/eng/index.aspx

Center for Chinese Studies Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies

This program is aim at foreign professors, associate professors, assistant professors (including post-doctoral researchers) and doctoral candidates in departments related to Chinese studies at foreign universities, as well as researchers at related foreign academic institutes. 
• Monthly allowance: 60.000 NT$ for professors, associate professors and assistant professors / 40.000 NT$ for doctoral and post-doctoral candidates
• Duration: 3 months to 1 year
• See the website for updates: http://ccs.ncl.edu.tw/ccs2/ENGLISH/regulation.aspx
• Info: http://ccs.ncl.edu.tw/ccs2/ENGLISH/Reward.aspx

Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Research Grant

• Applications may be submitted every year from August 1
• Allowance: maximum of 120 000€  for a 3 years research
• Info: http://www.cckf.org.tw/en/programs/european/research?set_language=en

“Short Term Research Awards” – Ministry of Education

• International scholar who is a Ph.D. student or a postdoctoral research fellow
• A Ph.D. student will receive a monthly research subsidy of NTD $25,000; a postdoctoral fellow will receive NTD $40,000.
• The short term research period must be for a duration of between 2 and 6 months
• Infos: https://edu.law.moe.gov.tw/EngLawContent.aspx?lan=E&id=235

5. PhD Dissertation Grants

Chiang Ching-kuo  Fellowships for PhD Dissertations

• Doctoral candidates who are completing the last year of their Ph.D. research at an accredited university in Europe may apply for fellowships for the completion of dissertations in the field of Chinese Studies in the humanities and social sciences.
• The application deadline is January 15 each year
• Info: http://www.cckf.org/en/programs/european/DDPD?set_language=en

Academia Sinica Fellowships for Doctoral Candidates in the Humanities and Social Sciences

• Doctoral candidates who are finishing writing their dissertation in the humanities and social sciences
• Duration: One year; may be extended for one more year when necessary
• NT$ 35,000 per month
• Info: https://www.sinica.edu.tw/en/articles/277

ERCCT Fellowship Tübingen University

• Applicants must be European doctoral students or European postdocs based at European or Taiwanese universities, or Taiwanese postdocs based at a European University.
• Each fellowship comprises a monthly grant and expenses for a roundtrip air ticket to Taiwan.
• Info: https://uni-tuebingen.de/einrichtungen/zentrale-einrichtungen/european-research-center-on-contemporary-taiwan/programmes/the-ercct-fellowship/

ERCCT Visiting Fellow Program Tübingen University

• To increase academic exchange and cooperation between Europe and Taiwan and to promote the study of contemporary Taiwan, the ERCCT each year invites up to 4 Ph.D. or postdoc students from the ERCCT partner institutions to work at the Center as visiting fellows for one month.
• Stipend of 500 € for living expenses and a free round trip air ticket (of up to € 1,250), and accommodation
• Info: https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/facilities/central-institutions/european-research-center-on-contemporary-taiwan/programmes/visiting-fellows-programme/

6. Post-Doctoral Fellowships

Postdoctoral Scholar Program – Academia Sinica

• Applicants with Ph.D. degrees conferred by domestic or foreign public or private universities within the last four years are eligible to apply.
• Applicants are required to find a Sponsoring Mentor at Academia Sinica, who will agree to sponsor their applications prior to submission. All applications must be processed online.
• The appointment period of the aforementioned types of postdoctoral scholars is two years, and may be renewed once upon reapplication
• Info: https://www.sinica.edu.tw/en/articles/276

Chiang Ching-kuo Fellowships for Postdoctoral Research

• Junior scholars who are affiliated with an accredited university, who have received the Ph.D. degree within five years of the date of application, and who do not hold full-time salaried positions may apply for postdoctoral research fellowships
• The application deadline is January 15.
• Info: http://www.cckf.org.tw/en/programs/european/DDPD?set_language=en
