Horacio Ortiz

Researcher, CNRS, CEFC


Email: horacio.ortiz@cnrs.fr

Research fields

– Anthropology of money and finance



2010: Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA), Société Française des Analystes Financiers, France.
2008: PhD in Social anthropology, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris, France.
2006: MA in Philsophy, New School for Social Research, New York, NY, USA.
1998: MA in Social anthropology, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris, France.
1997: BA, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), Paris, France


2016 to present: Researcher, Section 36 (sociology), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France
2014 to present: Associate professor, East China Normal University, China
2019-2020: Member, Institute for Advance Study, Princeton, NJ, USA.
2011-2014: post-doctoral researcher, Mines ParisTech, France


Ortiz, H., 2021, The Everyday Practice of Valuation and Investment : Political Imaginaries of Shareholder Value, Columbia University Press, New York (revised translation of Valeur financière et verité, 2014).
Muniesa, F., Doganova, L., Ortiz, H.,Pina-Stranger, Á, Paterson, F., Bourgoin, A., Ehrenstein, V., Juven, P.-A., Pontille, D., Sarac-Lesavre, S. and Yon, G., 2017, Capitalization: A Cultural Guide, Presses des Mines, Paris.
Ortiz, H., 2014, Valeur financière et vérité. Enquête d’anthropologie politique sur l’évaluation des entreprises cotées en bourse, Presses de Sciences Po, Paris.

Editor of special issue in refereed journal
Montagne, S., Ortiz, H. (eds.), 2014 “Sociologie de l’agence financière. Vol. 2”, Sociétés Contemporaines, 2014/1, n°93
Montagne, S., Ortiz, H. (eds.), 2013 “Sociologie de l’agence financière. Vol. 1”, Sociétés Contemporaines, 2013/4, n°92

Articles in refereed journals
Ortiz, H., 2021, “A political anthropology of finance: studying the distribution of money in the financial industry as a political process”, Anthropological Theory, 21(1), pp. 3-27.
Ortiz, H., 2021, “Political presuppositions of the weighted average cost of capital: a conceptual analysis”, Valuation Studies, 8(2): 111-141.
Ortiz, H., 2021, “Dessine-moi un FMI”, Terrain, hors-série: 115-123.
Ortiz, H., 2019, “Money in the social sciences: the individual, society, the state and beyond”, ECNU Review, Vol. 7, pp. 131-146.
Ortiz, H., 2019, “Antropología política de las finanzas y antropología del dinero”, Sociología & Antropología, Vol. 9, N. 3, pp. 773-795
Ortiz, H., Muniesa, F., 2018, “Business schools, the anxiety of finance and the order of the ‘middle tier’”, Journal of Cultural Economy, Vol. 11, N. 1, pp. 1-19.
Ortiz, H., 2018, “L’évaluation des entreprises cotées en bourse: quelle valeur de vérité?”, Regards croisés sur l’économie, 2018/1 (n° 22), p. 24-34.
Ortiz, H., 2017, “A political anthropology of finance: Profits, states and cultures in cross-border investment in Shanghai”, HAU, Journal of Ethnographic Theory, Vol. 7, N. 3, pp. 325-345.
Ortiz, H., 2017, “Los imaginarios de “inversores”, “mercados” y “valor” en la distribución del dinero por la industria financiera. Un estudio de caso sobre los derivados de crédito”, Civitas, Vol. 7, N. 1, pp. 96-113.
Ortiz, H., 2016, “Imaginarios de la finanza global en la inversión transfronteriza en el territorio chino”, Etnografías contemporáneas, 2 (2), pp. 25-50.
Ortiz, H., 2014, “The limits of financial imagination: free investors, efficient markets and crisis”, American Anthropologist, Vol. 116, n°1, pp. 38-50.
Hart, K., Ortiz, H., 2014 “The Anthropology of Money and Finance: Between Ethnography and World History”, Annual Review of Anthropology, 43, pp. 465-482.
Ortiz, H., 2014, “Funcionalismo, idealismo y pragmatismo: dilemas sobre el dinero en las ciencias sociales”, Perspectivas : Revista de Análisis de Economía, Comercio y Negocios Internacionales, Vol. 8, n°1, pp. 135-154.
Montagne, S., Ortiz, H., 2013, “Sociologie de l’agence financière: enjeux et perspectives. Introduction”, Sociétés Contemporaines, 2013/4, n° 92, pp. 7-33.
Ortiz, H., 2013, “Investir: une décision disséminée. Etude de cas dans les dérivés de crédit”, Sociétés Contemporaines, 2013/4, n°92, pp. 35-57.
Ortiz, H., 2013, “Financial value: economic, moral, political, global”, HAU Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 3 (1), pp. 64-79.
Ortiz, H., 2013, “La valeur dans l’industrie financière: les prix des actions cotées comme “vérité” technique et politique”, L’Année Sociologique, 2013/1 – Vol. 63, pp. 107-136.
Ortiz, H., 2011, “Marchés efficients, investisseurs libres et Etats garants : trames du politique dans les pratiques financières professionnelles”, Politix, n°95, 2011/3, pp. 155-180.
Ortiz, H., 2005, “Evaluer, apprécier : les relations entre brokers et gérants de fonds d’investissement”, Economie Rurale, n°286-287, mars-juin 2005, pp. 56-70.

Book chapters
Ortiz, H., 2021, “Central Bank Digital Currencies in Times of Covid-19”, in Fassin, D., Fourcade, M. (eds.), Economy and Society in the Time of Covid-19, University of Chicago Press (in press)
Ortiz, H., 2020, “Liquidity”, in Wosnitzer, R., Borch, C. (eds.), Routldege Handbook of Critical Finance Studies, Routledge, London and New York, pp. 29-46
Ortiz, H., 2019, “A political anthropology of finance in cross-border investment in Shanghai”, in Neiburg, F., Guyer, J. (eds.), The Real Economy. Essays in anthropological theory, HAU Books, Chicago, pp. 153-178.
Ortiz, H., 2018, “Finance”, in Calan, H. and Coleman, S. (eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Wiley Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, doi: 10.1002/9781118924396.wbiea1645
Ortiz, H., 2018, “Credit and Debt”, in Calan, H. and Coleman, S. (eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Wiley Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, doi: 10.1002/9781118924396.wbiea2247
Ortiz, H., 2018, “The political and moral imaginaries of financial practices”, in Chambost, I., Lenglet, M., Tadjeddine, Y. (eds.), The Making of Finance. Perspectives from the social sciences, Routledge, London and New York, pp. 30-36.
Ortiz, H., 2018, “La evaluación profesional de las empresas cotizadas en bolsa: la producción social de una “verdad” técnica y política”, in Wilkis, A. (ed.), El poder de evaluar. La producción monetaria de jerarquías sociales, morales y estéticas en la sociedad contemporánea, UNSAM Edita, Buenos Aires, pp. 27-48.
Deakin, S., F. Muniesa, F., Stern, S., Talbot, L., Kaplinsky, R., O’ Neill, M., Ortiz, H., Sahlin, K., Schwittay, A., 2018, “Markets, finance and corporations: does capitalism have a future?”, in International Panel on Social Progress (Ed.), Rethinking Society for the 21st Century: Report of the International Panel on Social Progress. Volume 1. Socio-Economic Transformations, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 225-254.
Ortiz, H., 2017, “Cross-border investment in China”, in Hart, K., (ed.), Money in a Human Economy, Berghahn Books, New York, Oxford, pp. 147-166.
Ortiz, H., 2016, “Imaginaires politiques et moraux des pratiques financières”, in Chambost, I., Lenglet, M., Tadjeddine, Y. (eds.), La Fabrique de la Finance, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, pp. 59-66.
Ortiz, H., 2016, “Wittgenstein’s critique of representation and the ethical reflexivity of anthropological discourse”, Evens, T., Handelman, D., Roberts, C., (eds.), Reflecting on reflexivity. The Human Condition as an Ontological Surprise, Berghahn Press, New York, Oxford, pp. 124-141.
Ortiz, H., 2015, “Hedge funds and the limit of market efficiency as a regulatory concept”, in Jessop, B., Young, B., Scherrer, C. (eds.), Financial Cultures and Crisis Dynamics, Routledge, London and New York, pp. 191-207.
Ortiz, H., 2015, “What financial crisis? The global politics of the financial industry: distributional consequences and legitimizing narratives”, in Hart, K., Sharp, J. (eds.), Economy for and against Democracy, Berghann Press, New York, Oxford, pp. 39-57.
Ortiz, H., 2013, “Financial Professionals as a Global Elite”, in Abbink, J., Salverda, T. (eds.), Anthropology of Elites, Palgrave MacMillan, New York, pp. 185-205.
Ortiz, H., 2012, “Anthropology – of the financial crisis”, in Carrier, J., Handbook of Economic Anthropology, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 585-596.
Ortiz, H., 2012, “« Dans ses tendances, l’industrie financière ne se trompe pas, mais elle exagère toujours ». Enjeux moraux dans les pratiques professionnelles de la finance”, in Fassin, D., Eideliman, J.-S. (eds.), Economies Morales Contemporaines, Editions La Découverte, Paris, pp. 53-72.
Ortiz, H., 2010, “Value and Power: some questions for a political anthropology of global finance”, in Acosta, R., Rizvi, S., Santos, A. (eds.), Making Sense of the Global. Anthropological Perspectives on Interconnections and Processes, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 63-81.

Book reviews
Ortiz, H., 2021, “The “American middle class” after 2008: financial, fictitious, foreclosed”, about Stout, N., 2019, Dispossessed. Dispossessed. How Predatory Bureaucracy Foreclosed on the American Middle Class, University of California Press, Oakland, European Journal of Sociology, 61(3): 542-548.
Ortiz, H., 2021, “Money Counts: Revisiting Economic Calculation, edited by Mario Schmidt and Sandy Ross. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2020”, Anthropological Forum, doi: 10.1080/00664677.2021.1885113.
Ortiz, H., 2019, “Chong, K., 2018, Best practice: management consulting and the ethics of financialization in China, Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press”, Asian Anthropology, 18(4), pp. 299-301.
Ortiz, H., 2018, “Arjaliès, D.-L., Grant, P., Hardie, I., MacKenzie, D., Svetlova, E., 2017, Chains of Finance. How Investment Management is Shaped, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK”, Organization Studies, Vol 40(6), pp. 941-947.
Ortiz, H., 2018, “Subacchi, P., 2016, The People’s Money. How China Is Building a Global Currency, Columbia University Press, New York”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 53, Issue 37, 15 Sept. 2018, pp. 33-35.
Ortiz, H., 2017, “Maurer, Bill: How Would You Like to Pay? How Technology Is Changing the Future of Money. Durham: Duke University Press, 2015. 163 pp.”, Anthropos 112-2017, pp. 337-338.
Ortiz, H., 2017, “The co-constitution of money, gender, national and cultural identities, and global elites. On Kimberly Kay Hoang’s, Dealing in Desire. Asian Ascendancy, Western Decline, and the Hidden Currencies of Global Sex Work. University of California Press, 2015”, Socio-Economic Review, Vol. 15, n°3, pp. 679-683.
Ortiz, H., 2014, “Bell, S., Feng, H., The Rise of the People’s Bank of China: The Politics of Institutional Change, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.”, Perspectives Chinoises, n°2014/3, pp. 59-61.
Ortiz, H., 2013, “Fisher, M., 2012, Wall Street Women, Duke University Press, Durham and London”, Sociologie du Travail, Vol. N. pp. 545-547.
Ortiz, H., 2012, “Lépinay, V. A., 2011, Codes of Finance. Engineering Financial Derivatives in a Global Bank, Princeton University Press, Princeton”, La Vie des Idées, 2012, http://www.booksandideas.net/Value-in-Trading-Rooms.html?lang=fr
Ortiz, H., 2010, “Gaillard, N., Les Agences de Notation, Editions La Découverte, Collection Repères, Paris 2010”, Genèses. Sciences sociales et histoire, 2010/2, n° 79, p. 152-153.
Ortiz, H., 2009, “Heurtin, J.-P. & Molfessis, N. (dir.), La Sociologie du droit de Max Weber, Dalloz, Paris”, in Archives de philosophie du droit, Tome 52-2009, pp. 453-456.
Ortiz, H., 2007, “Colliot-Thélène, C., La sociologie de Max Weber, La Découverte, Paris, 2006”, www.liens-socio.org, http://www.liens-socio.org/article.php3?id_article=1492

Ortiz, H., 2019, “Finance, Nations and the Global”, Current Anthropology, 60(2): 256-257.
Ortiz, H., 2017, “Anthropologie de la finance globale en Chine”, Le CNRS en Chine. La vie des laboratoires, n. 25, Printemps-été 2017, pp. 32-35.
Ortiz, H., 2015, “Chinese Stock Exchanges in Historical and Political Economic Perspective. A comment on Kai Lyu, “The Institutional Transformation of China’s Stock Exchanges: A Comparative Perspective”, AEL: A Convivium (2015)”, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium (AEL).
Ortiz, H., 2012, “Why Does (or Doesn’t) Finance Need an Anthropology?” Theorizing the Contemporary, Cultural Anthropology Online. May 17, http://culanth.org/?q=node/568
Ortiz, H., 2009, “Investors and efficient markets: the everyday imaginaries of investment management”, European Newsletter of Economic Sociology, Volume 11, Number 1, November 2009, pp. 34-40.
Ortiz, H., 2009, “Embarking on Financial Industry Research: A Response to Anthropologists’ Common Methodological Concerns”, “Knowledge exchange” note in Anthropology News, Volume 50, Issue 7, October 2009, p. 25.
Hart, K., Ortiz, H., 2008, “Anthropology in the financial crisis”, Guest editorial, Anthropology Today, December 2008, vol. 24, n°6, pp. 1-3.
Ortiz, H., 2006, “Dragon” (on the ethics of social sciences according to Howard Becker), EspacesTemps.net, Mensuelles, 08.06.2006: http://www.espacestemps.net/document2026.html
