Reconnecting to the Great Civilisation: The Strategy of Revitalising the Hakka Unicorn Dance in Hong Kong’s Hang Hau through the Intangible Cultural Heritage System

Dr Tik-sang Liu is Associate Professor Emeritus in the Division of Humanities at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon,…

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From “Concealment” to “Deconcealment”: Lay Knowledge and Its Generation Mechanism for Issues of Environmental Risk in China

Shuang Tan is a professor at the Department of Humanity and Law, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, Ding No. 11 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District,…

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Revisiting Deliberative Governance: The Case of Land Transactions in Rural China

Rongxin Li is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the School of Government, and research assistant at the Research Centre for Chinese Politics, Peking University. No….

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Performing “Bifurcated Homelands”: Touring the Chinese Diasporas in Bangkok and Singapore, 1945-1960s

  Beiyu Zhang is Associate Professor at the School of International Studies/Academy of Overseas Chinese Studies at Jinan University, Guangzhou. 601 Huangpu Avenue West, Tianhe…

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A New Professional Ethos: E-commerce and Business Culture in a County of Rural Northern China

This article explores the role of online retailing in shaping business culture in rural China. Scholars have long characterised Chinese business culture in terms of…

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Poverty Alleviation in China: The Rise of State-Sponsored Corporate Paternalism

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Negotiations and Asymmetric Games in Chinese Editorial Departments: The Search for Editorial Autonomy by Journalists of Dongfang Zaobao and Pengpai/The Paper

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The Politics of Imagining Formosa: Contesting Multiculturalism, Tradition, and Historical Memory in Ten Years Taiwan

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Living with Waste Becoming “Free” As Waste Pickers in Chinese Cities

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