Lucien Bianco, La Récidive. Révolution russe et révolution chinoise (Recurrence: Russian Revolution and Chinese Revolution)

Paris, Gallimard, Bibliothèque des Histoires, 2014, 528 pp. Review by Marie-Claire Bergère This book studies and compares the Russian and Chinese revolutions, which occurred at…

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Michael T. Rock and Michael A. Toman, China’s Technological Catch-Up Strategy: Industrial Development, Energy Efficiency, and CO2 Emissions

New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, 274 pp. Review by Jean-Paul Maréchal In the first decade of the twenty-first century, China acquired the world’s…

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Wenjing Guo, Internet entre État-parti et société civile en Chine (The Internet between the Party-State and Civil Society in China)

Paris, L’Harmattan, 2015, 329 pp. Review by Nicole Khouri Wenjing Guo belongs to the so-called post-1980 generation, that of young Internet users on whom she…

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Monique Selim, Hommes et femmes dans la production de la société civile à Canton (Chine) (The Role of Men and Women in Creating Civil Society in Guangzhou, China)

Paris, L’Harmattan, 2013, 304 pp. Review by Nicole Khouri When discussing the emergence of civil society in Guangzhou, one must first take into account the…

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Book Reviews (PDF version)

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Yu Zhejun, Shenming yu shimin. Minguo shiqi Shanghai diqu yingshen saihui yanjiu (Deities and City Dwellers: Research on Popular Processions in Shanghai during the Republican Era)

Shanghai, Shanghai Joint Publishing Company, 2014, 312 pp. Review by Benoît Vermander This work discusses the make-up of civil society in Shanghai in the time…

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Paul Morris, Naoko Shimazu, and Edward Vickers (eds.), Imagining Japan in Post-war East Asia: Identity Politics, Schooling and Popular Culture

London, Routledge, 2013, 264 pp. Review by Yves Russell Celebrations marking 70 years since Japan’s capitulation in the summer of 1945, featuring a major military…

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Hai Ren, The Middle Class in Neoliberal China: Governing Risk, Life-Building, and Themed Spaces

London, New York, Routledge, 2013, xvi & 192 pp. Review by Martin Minost The Chinese middle classes – and the question of their definition –…

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Sébastien Billioud and Joël Thoraval, Le Sage et le peuple. Le renouveau confucéen en Chine (The Sage and the People: The Confucian Revival in China)

Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2014, 436 pp. Review by Ji Zhe This book, which has been recently translated into English,[1] sets out a new paradigm for…

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Anita Chan (ed.), Chinese Workers in Comparative Perspective

Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press, 2015, 296 pp. Review by Ming-sho Ho China watchers generally agree that successful economic development through low-wage export has shown…

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