Pitman B. Potter, China’s Legal System

Cambridge, Malden, Polity Press, 2013, 267 pp. Review by Rogier Creemers How does one begin to understand Chinese law? How does one do justice to…

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Felix Wemheuer, Famine Politics in Maoist China and the Soviet Union

New Haven, Yale University Press, 2014, XIX-325 pp. Review by Lucien Bianco After seeing the extent to which the famine remained one of the most…

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Jeffrey C. Kinkley, Visions of Dystopia in China’s New Historical Novels

New York, Columbia University Press, 2014, 304 pp. Review by Yinde Zhang Recent years have seen an increase in the number of dystopian novels appearing in…

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Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Le système politique chinois. Un nouvel équilibre autoritaire (The Chinese Political system: A new authoritarian balance)

Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2014, 708 pp. Review by Benoît Vermander In 1994, Jean-Pierre Cabestan published Le système politique de la Chine populaire (The political…

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Kirk A. Denton, Exhibiting the Past: Historical Memory and the Politics of Museums in Postsocialist China

Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 2014, 250 pp. Review by Léo Kloeckner This book offers an original analysis of official accounts by Chinese authorities of the…

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Nancy Bernkopf Tucker, The China Threat: Memories, Myths, and Realities in the 1950s

New York, Columbia University Press, 2012, 295 pp. Review by Edward Friedman Completed during her final battle with cancer, this book by the preeminent American diplomatic…

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Chien-wen Kou and Xiaowei Zang (eds), Choosing China’s Leaders

London, New York, Routledge, 2013, 166 pp. Review by Jérôme Doyon This book emerged from a conference focusing on Chinese political elites held in November 2010…

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Mylène Gaulard, Karl Marx à Pékin – Les racines de la crise en Chine capitaliste (Karl Marx in Beijing: Roots of crisis in Chinese capitalism)

Paris, Demopolis, 2014, 270 pp. Review by David Bartel Mylène Gaulard’s book is as compelling as it is problematic. It is compelling because it offers new…

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Book Reviews (PDF version)

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