Book Reviews (PDF version)

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Book reviews (PDF version)

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Book Reviews (PDF version)

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Book Reviews (PDF version)

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Zhu Yong, Fanyuedu: Gemingshiqi de shentishi (CounterReading: A History of the Body in Revolutionary Times)

Zhu Yong, Fanyuedu: Gemingshiqi de shentishi (CounterReading: A History of the Body in Revolutionary Times), Taipei, Unitas Publishing Co., 2008, 416 pp. Review by Sun…

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Chloé Froissart, La Chine et ses migrants. La conquête d’une citoyenneté (China and its migrants: the conquest of a citizenship)

Chloé Froissart, La Chine et ses migrants. La conquête d’une citoyenneté (China and its migrants: the conquest of a citizenship), Presse Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes,…

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Leo F. Goodstadt, Poverty in the Midst of Affluence: How Hong Kong Mismanaged its Prosperity

Leo F. Goodstadt, Poverty in the Midst of Affluence: How Hong Kong Mismanaged its Prosperity, Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2013, 264 pp Review…

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Stéphane Gros, La Part manquante: Échanges et pouvoirs chez les Drung du Yunnan (The missing share: Exchange and power among the Drung of Yunnan)

Nanterre, Société d’ethnologie, 2012, 588 pp.   The Drung, or Dulong, are a social group of a few thousand people living mainly in the Dulong…

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Tami Blumenfield and Helaine Silverman (eds), Cultural Heritage Politics in China

New York, Springer, 2013, 297 pp.   Tami Blumenfield, a filmmaker and ethnologist who has focused on the Na people of Yunnan, teamed up with…

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Stephen Bell and Hui Feng, The Rise of the People’s Bank of China: The Politics of Institutional Change

Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 2013, 376 pp.     This book proposes a history of the Chinese central bank, the People’s Bank of China…

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