Ezra Vogel, Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China

Cambridge, MA, and London, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011, 876 pp.   Harvard University professor Ezra Vogel is one of the few…

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Harry den Hartog (ed), Shanghai New Towns: Searching for Community and Identity in a Sprawling Metropolis

Rotterdam, 010 Publishers, 2010, 416 pp.   Shanghai New Towns, edited by the Dutch architect Harry den Hartog, is interesting on two counts. To begin…

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Scott Simon, Sadyaq Balae! L’autochtonie formosane dans tous ses états (Sadyaq Balae! Formosan indigeneity in all its states),

Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, Collection Mondes Autochtones, 2012, 252 pp. + xv.   As the book’s back cover blurb notes, few ethnographic works in…

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Tania Angeloff and Marylène Lieber, Chinoises au xxie siècle. Ruptures et continuités (Chinese women in the twenty-first century: Ruptures and continuities)

Paris, La Découverte, 2012, 284 pp.   As with any study purporting to deal with “the Chinese,” “Chinese women,” or for that matter “China,” the…

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Gi-Wook Shin and Daniel Sneider (eds), History Textbooks and the Wars in Asia

New York, Routledge, 2011, 312 pp. Since the publication of History Textbooks and the Wars in Asia in 2011, territorial and historical disputes among China, Japan, and…

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François Gipouloux, The Asian Mediterranean: Port Cities and Trading Networks in China, Japan and Southeast Asia, 13th-21st Century

translated by Jonathan Hall and Dianna Martin, Cheltenham and Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011, 407 pp.   In 2009, François Gipouloux published his La Méditerranée…

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David Clarke, Chinese Art and Its Encounter with the World

Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2011, 259 pp.   David Clarke is founder and scientific director of Hong Kong Art Archive, a database of…

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Judith Shapiro, China’s Environmental Challenges

Judith Shapiro, China’s Environmental Challenges, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2012, 205 pp.   In the decades since the late 1970s, China has become a manufacturing powerhouse for…

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Caroline Grillot, Volées, envolées, convolées… Vendues, en fuite, ou re-socialisées: les “fiancées” vietnamiennes en Chine (Abducted, Flown, Married… Sold, escaped or rehabilitated: Vietnamese fiancés in China)

Bangkok/Paris, IRASEC/Connaissances & Savoirs, 2012, 407 pp.   Traditions of exogamy and patrilocality of marriage in Asia have long led women to leave their villages,…

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Isabelle Thireau (ed), De Proche en proche. Ethnographie des formes d’association en Chine contemporaine (Face-to-Face. An Ethnography of Forms of Association in Contemporary China)

Berne, Peter Lang, 2013, 317 pp.   This volume originated in a research collaboration project (2006-2009) among Chinese and French sociologists and anthropologists seeking to…

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