Lu Xueyi, Li Peilin, Chen Guangjin (eds.), 2013 nian Zhongguo shehui xingshi fenxi yu yuce (Analyses and projections for Chinese society in 2013),Beijing, Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2012, 333 pp.

This volume is part of a “blue book” (lanpishu) collection. With 19 others published in 2013 – on subjects as diverse as education, the economy,…

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Gotelind Müller (ed.), Designing History in East Asian Textbooks: Identity politics and transnational aspirations, London and New York, Routledge, 2011, 290 pp.

When the twentieth century dawned with the echoes of boots and guns, it became apparent that the national stories told in textbooks meant for innocent…

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Marc Andre Matten (ed.), Places of Memory in Modern China: History, Politics, and Identity,Leiden, Brill, 2012, 285 pp.

In the past two decades, interest in collective memory studies has rapidly grown and has inspired debate among historians, anthropologists, and sociologists with regard to…

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Michelle Dammon Loyalka, Eating Bitterness: Stories from the Front Lines of China’s Great Urban Migration

Taking eight migrants’ stories as examples, the journalist Michelle Dammon Loyalka paints a vivid and detailed picture of everyday life in one of Xi’an’s urban…

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François Godement, Que veut la Chine ? De Mao au capitalisme (What does China want? From Mao to capitalism)

Far from being yet another panoramic account of China’s economic and diplomatic breakthroughs, this latest work by François Godement takes readers (whether well-versed in contemporary…

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Book reviews 2013/2 (PDF)

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Zhou Xun (éd), The Great Famine in China, 1958-1962: A Documentary History

This collection of archival documents is a welcome addition to the burgeoning literature on the Great Leap Forward famine that has appeared in the last…

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Robert I. Rotberg (ed.), China into Africa: Trade, Aid and Influence, / Deborah Brautigam, The Dragon’s Gift: The Real Story of China in Africa / David H. Shinn and Joshua Eisenman, China and Africa: A Century of Engagement

With 54 countries, a land size of 30.2 million km² and a population of about one billion,  Africa is far from being a homogenous entity….

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“Chinafrique, avez-vous dit?” (Chinafrica, did you say?), Outre-Terre (European journal of geopolitics) / Jean-Joseph Boillot and Stanislas Dembinski, Chindiafrique. La Chine, l’Inde et l’Afrique feront le monde de demain

    These two works are useful additions to the growing literature on China-Africa relations and on the emergence of South-South linkages in general. Two…

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Luca Gabbiani, Pékin à l’ombre du Mandat Céleste. Vie quotidienne et gouvernement urbain sous la dynastie Qing (1644-1911) (Peking in the Shade of the Mandate of Heaven. Daily life and urban government under the Qing Dynasty [1644-1911])

Luca Gabbiani, Pékin à l’ombre du Mandat Céleste. Vie quotidienne et gouvernement urbain sous la dynastie Qing (1644-1911) (Peking in the Shade of the Mandate…

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