Séverine Arsène, Internet et politique en Chine (Internet and Politics in China)

Séverine Arsène, Internet et politique en Chine (Internet and Politics in China), Paris, Karthala, 2011, 420 pp. China has already had for many years the…

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Gerard Lemos, The End of the Chinese Dream: Why Chinese people fear the future

Gerard Lemos, The End of the Chinese Dream: Why Chinese people fear the future, New Haven/ London, Yale University Press, 2012, ix + 301 pp….

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Peter C.Y. Chow (ed.), National Identity and Economic Interest: Taiwan’s competing options and their implications for regional stability

Peter C.Y. Chow (ed.), National Identity and Economic Interest: Taiwan’s competing options and their implications for regional stability, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 318 pp….

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Book reviews 2013/1 (pdf)

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Book reviews from 2012/4 (pdf)

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Lucien Bianco, La révolution fourvoyée: Parcours dans la Chine du XXe siècle (Revolution derailed: Journeys in twentieth century China)

Lucien Bianco, La révolution fourvoyée: Parcours dans la Chine du XXe siècle (Revolution derailed: Journeys in twentieth century China), La Tour d’Aigues, L’Aube, 2010, 230…

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Wang Hui, The Politics of Imagining Asia

Wang Hui, The Politics of Imagining Asia, edited by Theodore Huters, Cambridge(MA), Harvard University Press, 2011, 360pp. This substantive work representing Wang Hui’s intellectual engagement…

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Zhao Yeqin, Construction des espaces urbains et rénovation d’un quartier de Shanghai: la problématique de la migration et du changement social (Construction of urban spaces and renovation of a community of Shanghai…)

Zhao Yeqin, Construction des espaces urbains et rénovation d’un quartier de Shanghai: la problématique de la migration et du changement social (Construction of urban spaces…

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Erik Kjeld Brødsgaard, Hainan – State, Society, and Business in a Chinese Province

Erik Kjeld Brødsgaard, Hainan – State, Society, and Business in a Chinese Province, London, Routledge, 2009, 190 pp. This work by Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard, professor…

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Jean-Paul Maréchal, Chine/USA, le Climat en jeu (China/USA: The climate at stake)

 Jean-Paul Maréchal, Chine/USA, le Climat en jeu (China/USA: The climate at stake), Paris, Choiseul, 2011, 115 pp. Barring a few exceptions, reports by scientists working…

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