Tubten Khétsun, Memories of Life in Lhasa Under Chinese Rule

Over a long period, classical Tibetan literature drew extensively upon Indian Buddhist sources; but there is one genre, autobiography, in which it has given undeniable…

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John Makeham, Lost Soul, Confucianism in Contemporary Chinese Academic Discourse

In describing the transformation of modern Confucianism into discourses disassociated from the whole body of practices to which it was traditionally attached, the historian Yu…

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Eugenia Lean, Public Passions. The Trial of Shi Jianqiao and the Rise of Popular Sympathy in Republican China

On 13 November 1935, a young woman slipped into a Buddhist temple in Tianjin and fired several shots at a peaceable 50- year-old man kneeling…

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Isabelle Thireau and Hua Linshan (eds), D’une illégitimité à l’autre dans la Chine rurale contemporaine

Starting from 2000, the issue that most outraged farmers and stirred them to revolt was taxation in all its forms and with all its abuses,…

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Tyrene White, China’s Longest Campaign: Birth Planning in the People’s Republic, 1949-2005

This fascinating book recounts the evolution of population control policies applied from the foundation of the People’s Republic in 1949 up to the present. The…

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Isabelle Attané et C. Z. Guilmoto (éd.), Watering the Neighbours’ Garden. The Growing Demographic Deficit in Asia.

The phrase “watering the neighbour’s garden” refers to wasting valuable resources on something that will not benefit oneself. This book addresses “the rampant demographic masculinisation”…

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Lucien Bianco, Les Origines de la révolution chinoise 1915-1949

It is rare that a first work of synthesis on a period close to contemporary history survives the test of historical review that comes with…

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Wu Faxian, Suiyue jiannan. Huiyilu (The Hardships of the Times. Memoirs)

The closer we draw to the Mao regime, the clearer it becomes that Mao is the defining figure of China, and that the most defining…

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Marie-Claire Bergère, Capitalismes et capitalistes en Chine des origines à nos jours

A capitalism without capitalists? This is the paradox that Marie-Claire Bergère invites us to consider in her latest book, and which eventually persuades us. Certainly…

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Carolyn L. Hsu, Creating Market Socialism: How ordinary People Are Shaping Class and Status in China

The authorities and the governing elite are not the only agents to have a hand in shaping the emergent institutional and moral order in China….

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