Erik Mueggler, The Age of Wild Ghosts. Memory, Violence, and Place in Southwest China

A revised edition of a doctoral thesis presented at the University of Michigan, The Age of Wild Ghosts is the result of over a year’s…

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Lan Peichia, Global Cinderellas. Migrant Domestics and Newly Rich Employers in Taiwan

The international migration of labour has become a burning issue with multi-dimensional implications that are attracting wide attention, at local, national and transnational levels. Wherever…

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Song Geng (ed), Quanqiuhua yu “Zhongguoxing” – Dangdai wenhua de houzhimin jiedu (Globalization and “Chineseness”: Postcolonial readings of contemporary culture)

This collaborative work gathers fourteen articles written by Chinese academics and/or young researchers spread throughout China, the United States, Hong Kong, Macao, England and Australia….

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EURASFI (Europe- Asia Finance), La Chine: Un colosse financier? Le système financier chinois à l’aube du XXIe siècle

This book is a collective work written by members of EURASFI (Europe-Asia Finance), an association founded in June 2003 that brings together students and young…

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Arthur Kleinman and james L. Watson (eds), SARS in China

As memories of the 2003 SARS outbreak slowly fade away, SARS in China is an invitation to revisit the days of anxiety, their legacy and…

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Christine Loh and Civic Exchange (eds), Functional Constituencies: A Unique Feature of the Hong kong Legislative Council

As the title of this edited volume suggests, the feature of Functional Constituencies (FCs) in Hong Kong ’s parliament, the Legislative Council (LegCo), is indeed…

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Agnes S. Ku and Ngai Pun (eds), Remarking Citizenship in Hong Kong: Community, nation and the global city

This edited volume comes out at a timely moment, as Hong Kong is caught up in competing discourses (e.g., entrepreneurialism, democratisation, and nationalism) that make…

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Gillian Bickley (ed), A Magistrate’s Court in Nineteenth Century Hong Kong

Gillian Bickley has for some time been interested in Hong Kong’s early years as a British colony during the second half of the nineteenth century….

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Neil J. Diamant, Stanley B. Lubman and kevin O’Brien, Engaging the law in China: State, Society and Possibilities for Justice

Legal studies generally appear to be opaque and difficult to access, the reserve of a handful of specialists with little inclination to share their knowledge….

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Mark williams, Competition Policy and law in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan

Law and policy on regulation of business competition represent a litmus test of sorts on the extent to which government systems have embraced principles of…

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