Neil J. Diamant, Stanley B. Lubman and kevin O’Brien, Engaging the law in China: State, Society and Possibilities for Justice

Legal studies generally appear to be opaque and difficult to access, the reserve of a handful of specialists with little inclination to share their knowledge….

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Mark williams, Competition Policy and law in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan

Law and policy on regulation of business competition represent a litmus test of sorts on the extent to which government systems have embraced principles of…

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Kwong-loi Shun, David B. Wong (eds.), Confucian Ethics, A Comparative Study of Self, Autonomy and Community, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2004, 228 pp

“The truth is plain: there are no such [natural or human] rights, and belief in them is one with belief in witches and unicorns”.[1] This…

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Zhu Wen, I Love Dollars and other Stories of China, trans. With a foreword by Julia Lovell, New York, Columbia University Press, 2007, 228 pp

Document sans nom Zhu Wen, born in Quanzhou (Fujian Province) in 1967, is a writer of the 1990s whose work is now available for the…

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Robert Ash, David Shambaugh and Seiichiro Takagi (eds.), China Watching: Perspectives from Europe, Japan and the United States, London, Routledge, 2007, 261 pp

Document sans nom This very useful survey outlines how analysts in Europe, Japan and America cover China’s economy, its politics, and its foreign policy. Much…

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Michael Sullivan, Modern Chinese Artists. A Biographical Dictionary, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2006, 250 pp

Document sans nom This biographical dictionary of modern and contemporary Chinese artists of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries is a reference work that has been…

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Elizabeth C. Economy, The River Runs Black : The Environmental Challenge to China’s Future, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 2004, 368 pp. and Kristen A. Day (ed.), China’s Environment and the Challenge of Sustainable Development, New York, M.E. Sharpe,

Document sans nom Both these works, as suggested by their titles, focus on the environmental challenges confronting China and raise the issue of the sustainability…

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Avery Goldstein, Rising to the Challenge. China’s Grand Strategy and International Security, Stanford, Stanford University Press, Studies in Asian Security, 2005, 274 pp

Document sans nom T he central thesis of this book is that beginning in 1996 China put in place a grand strategy designed to create an…

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Barry Sautman, June Teufel Dreyer (éd.), Contemporary Tibet : Politics, Development and Society in a Disputed Region

      This book, with fourteen analyses based on Chinese and Tibetan interpretations of political theories and facts, gives us a contemporary history of Tibet on the themes…

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Aurore Merle et Michaël Sztanke, Etudiants chinois, qui sont les élites de demain ?

    Aurore Merle and Michael Sztanke, Etudiants Chinois: qui sont les élites de demain ? Paris, Autrement, 2006, 109 pp.   Karine-Hinano GUERIN  …

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