Lucien Bianco, Jacqueries et révolution dans la Chine du XXe siècle

Patiently, passionately, Lucien Bianco has successfully concluded a mission that looked impossible : to explore the immensity of the Chinese peasantry and to describe the…

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Peter Hays Gries, China’s New Nationalism. Pride, Politics and Diplomacy

“This only is denied to God: the power to change the past” Agathon “Though God cannot alter the past, historians can” Samuel Butler   I…

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Yasheng Huang, Selling China. Foreign Direct Investment during the Reform Era

Through his study of the structure of foreign direct investment (FDI), Yasheng Huang offers the reader a fresh analysis of China ’s economic reforms throughout…

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Laurence J. C. Ma et Fulong Wu (eds.), Restructuring the Chinese City. Changing Society, Economy and Space

This collection of articles edited by Laurence J. C. Ma[1] and Fulong Wu[2] is one of the first publications from the dynamic China Urban Research…

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Christopher R. Hughes and Gudrun Wacker (eds.), China and the Internet: Politics of the Digital Leap Forward

This edited volume provides a very comprehensive picture for scholars who want to “get their feet wet” in the area of information and communication technologies…

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Anru Lee, In the Name of Harmony and Prosperity. Labor and Gender Politics in Taiwan´s Economic Restructuring Catherine Farris, Anru Lee, Murray Rubinstein (eds.), Women in the New Taiwan. Gender Roles and Gender Consciousness in a Changing Society

Two episodes stand out from one of my last research sojourns to Taiwan a few years ago. Episode 1: With the factory owner in a…

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Adeline Herrou, La Vie entre soi. Les moines taoïstes aujourd’hui en Chine

La Vie entre soi (“Life Amongst Oneselves”) is an anthropological study of the dominant institution of contemporary Chinese Taoism, the Quanzhen order, which is distinguished…

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Marian Galik, Influence, Translation and Parallels: Selected Studies on the Bible in China

Professor Marian Galik’s monumental work Influence, Translation and Parallels: Selected Studies on the Bible in China is a compilation of his continuing research on Bible…

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Zhang Liang, La Naissance du concept de patrimoine en Chine XIXe-XXe siècles

An authoritative work on the concept of heritage in China , has long been overdue, and it has finally arrived with this work by Zhang…

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Paul J. A. Clark, Reinventing China: A Generation and Its Films

The most exciting event in contemporary Chinese cinema was the emergence of the “Fifth Generation” of filmmakers in the mid-late 1980s. It brought increased popularity…

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